Removing Duplicates in Numbers


Is there a way to remove rows in Numbers using Applescript if duplicate values are present in a column?

For example, (table below) script cycles through date column and if it finds a duplicate date, it removes that row?

Shopping Price Date

Lime 99 010417
Pear 86 040417
Grape 55 030417
Orange 40 040417
Lemon 99 030417
Peach 99 040417

I’m not using Numbers but in Excel you can remove duplicate values from a range. It’s a long shot but since Numbers is a (poor) copy of Excel maybe there is a similar command.

This short script does the job.

set valuesFound to {}

tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1 to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
	set rowNum to 3 # I'm lazy so I skip the two higher rows
	tell column 3
			set aVal to value of cell rowNum
			if aVal is not in valuesFound then
				set end of valuesFound to aVal
				set rowNum to rowNum + 1 # Jump to next row
				remove row rowNum
				 # Don't increment rowNum
			end if
			if rowNum > (count rows) then exit repeat
		end repeat
		# instruction useful if several blank rows were at bottom of the table
		if value of cell -1 is missing value then remove row -1
	end tell
end tell

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 26 juillet 2017 15:37:13

Exactly what I needed, perfect.

Thanks Yvan!

Hi Adam

Thanks for the feedback but I enhanced the code a bit a bit :

set valuesFound to {missing value} # So that there will not be a remaining blank row
set rowsToRemove to {}

tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1 to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
	tell column 3
		repeat with r from 3 to (count rows)
			set aVal to value of cell r
			if aVal is not in valuesFound then
				set end of valuesFound to aVal
				set end of rowsToRemove to r
			end if
		end repeat
		set rowsToRemove to reverse of rowsToRemove
	end tell
	repeat with r in rowsToRemove
		remove row r
	end repeat
end tell

If you prefer to keep the lower rows, use :

set valuesFound to {missing value} # So that there will not be a remaining blank row
set rowsToRemove to {}

tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1 to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
	tell column 3
		repeat with r from (count rows) to 3 by -1
			set aVal to value of cell r
			if aVal is not in valuesFound then
				set end of valuesFound to aVal
				set end of rowsToRemove to r
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	repeat with r in rowsToRemove
		remove row r
	end repeat
end tell

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 26 juillet 2017 21:12:05