Removing Podcast details

Hi there,

I am subscribed to quite a few pocasts. The problem that I have is that when I sync to my Ipod, the Artist and Album info causes my podcasts to show up next to all my other music.

One can get round this by sorting my library by genre, highlighting all in the ‘Podcast’ genre and removing the artist and album info. Then when I sync with the Ipod, the podcasts ONLY show up in the Podcast menu - perfect.

Now, I can’t find a suitable script to do the above. Does anyone know of a script that would do this so that I could run it after d/l podcasts? Either that or perhaps give me some rough pointers on how I could script this myself.

Thanks in advance


This script will take any tracks that are podcasts, and that have some kind of text in the Artist field, and delete all the Artist and Album information after placing that information in the Comment section of the track. That way, if you ever want that data back, you can find it.

tell application "iTunes"
	set a to every track of first library playlist whose podcast is true and artist is not ""
	repeat with b in a
		set b's comment to b's comment & return & (b's artist & return & b's album) --Takes whatever comments are already there, and adds the podcast's artist and album to the end
		set b's artist to ""
		set b's album to ""
	end repeat
end tell

Hope this helps,

You are a star!

Can’t wait to try it out tonight.

