in Excel 2011 a simple routine renamed a worksheet.
tell application “Microsoft Excel”
set name of active sheet to “First”
end tell
Having switched to Office 365 that no longer works
It throws error 10006 and I cannot find anything to fix it. Using “Worksheet” and a number like this works.
tell application “Microsoft Excel”
set name of worksheet 1 to “First”
end tell
But that requires you know the number of the worksheet whose name you want to change. I have a work around that solves the issue but it is incredibly clumsy.
tell application “Microsoft Excel”
set Allsheets to count every sheet of active workbook
set ActName to name of active sheet
set x to 1
repeat Allsheets times
set Tname to name of sheet x
if Tname = ActName then
exit repeat
end if
set x to x + 1
end repeat
set name of worksheet x to “First”
end tell
I was hoping that either I am missing something or some one has a better solution.