I would like to rename any selected files or folders with the parent folder name. This is what I have so far but it’s throwing up the following error:
error "Can’t set name of {«class docf» \"README.md\" of «class cfol» \"Design\" of «class cfol» \"(AMAN01)-0001, Mitsubishi Outlander 2015\" of «class cfol» \"Projects\" of «class cfol» \"Amanda Rockley ESMT (AMAN01)\" of «class cfol» \"Clients\" of «class cfol» \"Documents\" of «class cfol» \"daniel\" of «class cfol» \"Users\" of «class sdsk» of application \"Finder\"} to \"(AMAN01)-0001, Mitsubishi Outlander 2015\"." number -10006 from name of {«class docf» "README.md" of «class cfol» "Design" of «class cfol» "(AMAN01)-0001, Mitsubishi Outlander 2015" of «class cfol» "Projects" of «class cfol» "Amanda Rockley ESMT (AMAN01)" of «class cfol» "Clients" of «class cfol» "Documents" of «class cfol» "daniel" of «class cfol» "Users" of «class sdsk»}
--> Get Current Folder Path (CurrentPath) and Name (CurrentFolder)
tell application "Finder"
if exists Finder window 1 then
set CurrentDir to target of Finder window 1 as string
set CurrentDir to (desktop as string)
end if
--> Get Current Folder path
set CurrentPath to POSIX path of (CurrentDir)
end tell
set ParentFolderName to my ParentFolderExtraction(CurrentPath)
set theSel to (selection of application "Finder")
if theSel is not {} then
display dialog "file selected" & " " & ParentFolderName
set name of theSel to ParentFolderName
--display dialog "Please select a file you wish to change the name of." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon caution --or use icon stop
display dialog "file not selected"
--set the name of file sel to ParentFolderExtraction
end if
#===== Now we aren't in the main code, we may put the handlers
on ParentFolderExtraction(ParentObject)
tell application "System Events"
return name of container of disk item (path of disk item (ParentObject as text))
end tell
end ParentFolderExtraction
The error message is perfectly clear which warn you that you can’t give a name to a list of file(s).
Edit one instruction and it will work:
set name of (item 1 of theSel) to ParentFolderName
I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to rename a file (with an extension like your “README.md”) to the name of a folder (without an extension).
Here the file originally named “README.md” would be renamed “(AMAN01)-0001, Mitsubishi Outlander 2015”.
In precedent messages, I showed you that your handler is unnecessarily long.
It may be replaced by:
on ParentFolderExtraction(ParentObject)
tell application "System Events"
return name of container of disk item ParentObject
end tell
end ParentFolderExtraction
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 28 juin 2020 12:38:16
set name of (item 1 of theSel) to ParentFolderName
I would like to point out to the OP that a Finder selection contains a list - always.
But the amended code still fails. The script must talk to Finder or System Events to deal with the file system.
I agree with Yvan’s other point. Not a good idea to rename files without respecting their extension.
And yet another point: if no Finder window is open it’ll get the name of the user’s home folder. That may not be what the OP wanted.
I also urge Danjuan to read the relevant dictionaries.
I don’t know if it fails with your system but it doesn’t with mine.
The file was renamed from “blahblah.mg” to the name of my home folder :“**********”
My understanding is that we aren’t working upon a standard reference to a file but upon a Finder’s one.
If I edit one instruction as:
set theFile to (item 1 of theSel) as alias
set name of theFile to ParentFolderName
the script fail with an obscure message which doesn’t describe what is really wrong: error “Saturation de la pile.” number -2706
although we are targeting an object which we aren’t allowed to work with.
In fact, it’s the entire scheme which is odd.
When I ran my example above, the open window was the Documents one which was in list mode so I navigated the hierarchy:
——Amanda Rockley ESMT (AMAN01)
————(AMAN01)-0001, Mitsubishi Outlander 2015
The container of this Finder window is my home folder and the file was renamed according to it : **********
I made an other attempt.
This time the file was selected in the Finder window “Design” in mode Icon. The file was renamed as “(AMAN01)-0001, Mitsubishi Outlander 2015” which is the name of the container of the Finder window “Design”. With the code design we never know what will be used to rename the file except if we always work upon window in mode Icon.
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 28 juin 2020 15:31:16
That’s odd. Sounds like a bit of handholding by AppleScript. And, IMHO, it encourages sloppy coding. A novice scripter will have a hard time understanding why his code sometimes fails on this point.
I totally agree. I’d go further: scripts like this should only run with one item selected in the front Finder window.
I repeat that there is nothing wrong here.
The code do correctly what it’s supposed to do.
This said this scheme has side effect as you may see in this edited/commented version
property usePOSIXPath : false
property wrongScheme : false
--> Get Current Folder Path (CurrentPath) and Name (CurrentFolder)
tell application "Finder"
if exists Finder window 1 then
set CurrentDir to target of Finder window 1 as string --> "SSD 1000:Users:yvankoenig:Desktop:dossier / sans titre:dossier sans titre2:"
set CurrentDir to (desktop as string)
end if
--> Get Current Folder path
if usePOSIXPath then
set CurrentPath to POSIX path of (CurrentDir)
set CurrentPath to CurrentDir
end if
end tell
-- CAUTION, as we use System Events to get the name of the container,
-- the embedded slash is replaced by a colon
if wrongScheme then set ParentFolderName to my ParentFolderExtraction(CurrentPath) --> "dossier : sans titre"
set theSel to (selection of application "Finder") --> {document file "version 1 copie 2.scpt" of folder "dossier sans titre2" of folder "dossier / sans titre" of folder "Desktop" of folder "yvankoenig" of folder "Users" of startup disk}
if theSel is not {} then
if wrongScheme then display dialog "file selected" & " " & ParentFolderName --> "file selected dossier : sans titre"
set aRef to item 1 of theSel
log aRef (*document file version 1 copie 2.scpt of folder dossier sans titre2 of folder dossier / sans titre of folder Desktop of folder yvankoenig of folder Users of startup disk*)
set itsContainer to my getItsContainer(aRef) --> folder "dossier sans titre2" of folder "dossier / sans titre" of folder "Desktop" of folder "yvankoenig" of folder "Users" of startup disk
if not wrongScheme then
set ParentFolderName to name of my getItsContainer(itsContainer) --> "dossier / sans titre"
end if
set oldName to name of aRef --> "version 1 copie 2.scpt"
set name of aRef to ParentFolderName --> "dossier : sans titre" or "dossier / sans titre"
log aRef (*document file version 1 copie 2.scpt of folder dossier sans titre of folder Desktop of folder yvankoenig of folder Users of startup disk*)
log (get name of aRef)
on error errMsg number errNbr
log errMsg (*Erreur dans Finder : Il est impossible d’obtenir document file "version 1 copie 2.scpt" of folder "dossier sans titre2" of folder "dossier / sans titre" of folder "Desktop" of folder "yvankoenig" of folder "Users" of startup disk.*)
end try
tell application "Finder" to tell itsContainer
exists (file 1 whose name is ParentFolderName) --> true
end tell
display dialog "file not selected"
--set the name of file sel to ParentFolderExtraction
end if
#===== Now we aren't in the main code, we may put the handlers
on ParentFolderExtraction(ParentObject) -- used only if wrongScheme is true
tell application "System Events"
return name of container of disk item (ParentObject as text)
end tell
end ParentFolderExtraction
on getItsContainer(aRef)
tell application "Finder"
return container of aRef
end tell
end getItsContainer
It’s sad because when Danjuan asked for the way to get the name of the container of the container of a file, I gave it a correct answer which he didn’t use.
It’s not specific to this kind of scripts.
Every script grabbing it’s entry data from a selection but is supposed to treat a single item must work upon item 1 of the selection and, if several items are selected it may get the wanted result or a wrong one.
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 29 juin 2020 15:08:45