not sure if it is possible… my current script mounts the volume without a hitch, i would really like to be able to change the name from shareName to myShareName…
mount volume "smb://username@password/shareName"
on error -- oops, cant open
display dialog ("Could not open the share) buttons {"OK"}
end try
set MyShareName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter volume name to mount" default answer "")
mount volume "smb://username@password/" & MyShareName
on error
display dialog ("Could not open the share '" & MyShareName & "'") buttons {"OK"}
end try
that looks like great code… but my problem is simpler… the name for the share does not need to be dynamic… i want to hardcode it… i basically want to avoid having to modify the directory names on the host…
i really appreciate the help… i will hold onto that snippet for later use…
Basics you can’t rename a server, you don’t have access. Get the admin of the server create a second share-point on the server with a different name. It will have the same directory path as the user other server share-point, What version server, Appleshare or OSX server, what version OS. OS 9, OS X.