Reordering a column's row: nice feature, but…


I have the usual tableView with items sorted by columns. I want to make some of the columns editable, but I have a problem (a silly one, for a change).

When the column is unsorted, I can edit the values. They stay unsorted. When I click on the header, they are sorted, and kept sorted, but as soon as I edit a field, I’m thrown out of my cell after one single typed character. The tableView wants to sort immediately.

Is it possible to have both behaviors: the column is sorted as soon as I QUIT editing (with return or tab)?
I have tried every possible combination of settings (table view, column, cell, array controller.) but obviously not the correct one (if it exists).


No answer, probably because the solution was trivial: set the sort descriptor and uncheck “Auto Rearrange Content” for the controller in IB.:rolleyes: