Currently at a loss… I have a little AppleScript I sometimes run from Apple Mail as an Automator Service, called “Iri”: … note: the only relevant one is Iri-R.applescript, because Wunderlist is no more. What the script does, is explained in the GitHub ReadMe.
Everything was fine in Mojave, but after upgrading to Catalina 10.15.5, it doesn’t work anymore. In ScriptEditor I’m getting error -1721, but I can’t say why this happens.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
EDIT: when running it in Mail, the script manages to modify the pref plist, get the original message’s language from GoogleTranslate with the trans CLI, select the correct language, set up the outgoing Mail correctly, then opens the compose-message window for a split second… so far so good… but then fails before sending, so the message winds up in the Drafts folder, and there’s no further action: no message flagging, no “set message read status false”, no new entry in Reminders etc.
Would help to explain what is supposed to be written in the instruction:
set sentIriNotes to (messages of sent mailbox whose date sent ³ previousRunDate and subject begins with "Vidi: ")
The character 3 displayed as exposant (betwee sent and previous)is not a valid one in AppleScript so I can’t compile the script.
I assume that it’s < or ≤ or > or ≥ but I’m not a sooth sayer.
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 31 mai 2020 16:02:10
Oh, don’t know what happened there. It’s supposed to be the “greater-or-equal” sign: ≥
By the way. You needn’t install translate-shell, you can just substitute the line with the trans command with
set theLanguage to "English"
For testing I ran the script below from Script Editor.
The wanted message was correctly created.
-- Iri
-- v1.5 beta
-- 2016-05
-- Version for Apple Reminders
on run --{input, parameters}
set dateCurrent to (current date)
set theTimeZone to (do shell script "date +%Z")
set theDeadline to (dateCurrent + (7 * days))
set reminderDate to (dateCurrent + (1 * days))
set userLibrary to path to library folder from user domain as string
set prefsFolder to userLibrary & "Preferences:"
set plistPath to prefsFolder & "local.lcars.Iri.plist"
tell application "System Events"
if exists file plistPath then
tell property list file plistPath
tell contents
set previousRunDate to (value of property list item "PreviousRun")
set value of property list item "PreviousRun" to dateCurrent
end tell
end tell
set plistData to "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">
<plist version=\"1.0\">
--tell application "Finder"
set plistFile to open for access plistPath with write permission
set eof of plistFile to 0
write plistData to plistFile starting at eof
close access plistFile
--end tell-- Finder
tell property list file plistPath
tell contents
set value to {|PreviousRun|:dateCurrent}
end tell
end tell
set previousRunDate to dateCurrent
end if
end tell -- "System Events"
tell application "Mail"
set sentIriNotes to (messages of sent mailbox whose date sent ≥ previousRunDate and subject begins with "Vidi: ")
repeat with sentIriNote in sentIriNotes
delete sentIriNote
end repeat
set theSelection to selection
set theMessage to item 1 of theSelection
set theOriginalBody to the content of theMessage
set theLanguage to (do shell script "export PATH=\"/usr/local/bin:$PATH\";/usr/local/bin/trans -no-ansi -show-original n -identify " & quoted form of theOriginalBody & " | awk '/Name/ {print $2}'")
set dateReceived to (date received of theMessage)
set reminderSubject to (subject of theMessage)
set reminderURL to "message://%3c" & theMessage's message id & "%3e"
set theAccount to (account of (mailbox of theMessage))
if theAccount is equal to missing value then
set senderList to {}
set allAccounts to every account
repeat with aAccount in allAccounts
set allAddresses to email addresses of aAccount
if (allAddresses is not equal to missing value) then
repeat with aAddress in allAddresses
set senderList to senderList & {(full name of aAccount & " <" & aAddress & ">") as string}
end repeat
end if
end repeat
set theResult to choose from list senderList with prompt "Which account would you like to send the Iri note from?" without multiple selections allowed
if theResult is equal to false then
return input
end if
set iriSender to item 1 of theResult
set theAddress to (do shell script "echo " & quoted form of iriSender & " | awk -F'[<|>]' '{print $2}'")
else if theAccount is not equal to missing value then
set theAddress to (email addresses of theAccount) as string
set iriSender to (full name of theAccount & " <" & theAddress & ">") as string
end if
set iriSubject to "Vidi: " & (subject of theMessage)
if theLanguage is "English" then
set bodyDeadline to "I have read your message and will reply as soon as possible."
set bodyReceived to "Received: "
set bodyRead to "Read: "
else if theLanguage is "German" then
set bodyDeadline to "Ich habe Ihre Nachricht gelesen und werde so schnell wie mšglich antworten."
set bodyReceived to "Erhalten: "
set bodyRead to "Gelesen: "
else if theLanguage is "Dutch" then
set bodyDeadline to "Ik heb uw bericht gelezen en zal zo spoedig mogelijk antwoorden."
set bodyReceived to "Ontvangen: "
set bodyRead to "Gelezen: "
else if theLanguage is "Italian" then
set bodyDeadline to "Ho letto il tuo messaggio e risponder˜ appena possibile."
set bodyReceived to "Ricevuto: "
set bodyRead to "Letto: "
else if theLanguage is "Spanish" then
set bodyDeadline to "He le’do su mensaje y le responderemos tan pronto como sea posible."
set bodyReceived to "Recibido: "
set bodyRead to "Le’do: "
else if theLanguage is "French" then
set bodyDeadline to "J'ai lu votre message et vous rŽpondra dans les plus brefs dŽlais."
set bodyReceived to "Reu: "
set bodyRead to "Lu: "
else if theLanguage is "Latin" then
set bodyDeadline to "Nuntium tuum legi rediboque quam primum."
set bodyReceived to "Acceptum: "
set bodyRead to "Visum: "
set bodyDeadline to "I have read your message and will reply as soon as possible."
set bodyReceived to "Received: "
set bodyRead to "Read: "
end if
set iriRecipient to (sender of theMessage)
set originalTOs to address of to recipients of theMessage
set originalCCs to address of cc recipients of theMessage
set iriContent to bodyDeadline & return & bodyReceived & dateReceived & " " & theTimeZone & return & bodyRead & dateCurrent & " " & theTimeZone
set iriMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {content:iriContent, sender:iriSender}
tell iriMessage
set visible to false
set subject to iriSubject
make new to recipient with properties {address:iriRecipient}
repeat with i from 1 to (count originalTOs)
set iriCC to item i of originalTOs
if iriCC is equal to theAddress then set iriCC to ""
make new cc recipient at end of cc recipients with properties {address:iriCC}
end repeat
repeat with i from 1 to (count originalCCs)
set iriCC to item i of originalCCs
if iriCC is equal to theAddress then set iriCC to ""
make new cc recipient at end of cc recipients with properties {address:iriCC}
end repeat
end tell
return -- I didn't wished to send the test message
send iriMessage
tell theMessage
set flag index to 6
set read status to false
end tell
end tell
tell application "Reminders"
if not (exists list "Iri") then
make new list with properties {name:"Iri"}
end if
set reminderList to list "Iri"
tell reminderList
make new reminder with properties {name:reminderSubject, body:reminderURL, due date:theDeadline, remind me date:reminderDate}
end tell
end tell
return input
end run
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 31 mai 2020 17:36:40