For a couple of days now I’ve tried in vain to figure out how to return a string (or any value for that matter) from a Visual Basic function embedded within PowerPoint (2004) to an application that called that function through Applescript.
The dictionary for PowerPoint says that "do Visual Basic" has a return value, but I haven't ever been able to get any value to return, in PowerPoint or Excel.
While searching here for an answer, I saw someone suggest that "Do Visual Basic" in Excel doesn't return a funcation's return value.
Is this true of PowerPoint, also? Is their a bug in the implementation of "do Visual Basic"?
I see in the v.x version of Excel that I was able to use the "Evaluate" command to return a value, but "Evaluate" isn't available in Excel 2004, much less PowerPoint.
Am I missing something? Is there a supported method of returning a value (string) from PowerPoint through Applescript?