Returning Values To A Display Dialog

As this script runs, the correct response is returned to the editor, but how do I also return it back into a display dialog?

tell application "Numbers"
	set theTable to the document 1's sheet 1's table 1
	return (count theTable's selection range's columns) & (count theTable's selection range's rows)
	display dialog (count theTable's selection range's columns) "Columns & " & (count theTable's selection range's rows) & "Rows" with icon note with title "Apple Numbers: Count or Name Table Range" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
end tell

You can’t. You would have to generate a new display dialog.

tell application "Numbers"
	set theTable to the document 1's sheet 1's table 1
	set output to ((count theTable's selection range's columns) as text) & " Columns" & space & (count theTable's selection range's rows) & " Rows"
	ignoring application responses
		display dialog output with icon note with title "Apple Numbers: Count or Name Table Range" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
	end ignoring
	return output
end tell