Run AppleScript in Login Window?

Is it possible to run AppleScript in Login Window? If not, what other ways there is?

search for the terms “login hook”, on this site, and also any internet search engine, like this:"os+x"+"login+hook"&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official


I have just put a script in ‘Start Up Items’ and what works is that he will start the script.
It’s a script to login on the (different) servers, problem is that now he tries to mount the server before the computer have found them (i think), because he will start the script, the scripts ‘hangs’ untill you click on the button in the ‘bar - running application’ and then will mount the servers.

Don’t really know if that’s a problem has to do with StartUpItems vs Xcode or has to do with he tries to mount servers while the computer is not ready for it.

It works anyway, don’t have to mount all the servers when start up the computer :wink: (We have 5 servers and total about 12 volumes to mount).