Run local scripts, open files from a browser...

A new demo of Missing Link has now been posted at:

Missing Link is a simple AppleScript utility that allows you to open, run or launch almost anything on your Mac from a link or a bookmark in a browser.

Files, folders, applications, script applications, and a variety of other file types can be linked on disk much as if they existed on the web - the link format is very similar. When clicked, linked items behave just as if they had been double-clicked in the Finder.

Missing Link works with most browsers on almost every version of the Mac OS from 7.5.x to 10.2.x.

I would greatly appreciate it if some among you would give Missing Link a try. I welcome reports of success… as well as failure. Missing Link is still beta, but I hope to release a final demo version soon.

Thanks Much.

Peter Bunn

PS - A full version of Missing Link is offered to the first five people who try the demo and report back with detailed results.

Thanks Again.

Peter B.