Hy everyone,
I found a script that copys files from the subfolders. It works perfect. But now I tried to modify the script that it runs one level of subfolders deeper.
Here is the script:
set main_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the main folder")
tell application "Finder"
set sub_folders to folders of main_folder
repeat with each_folder in sub_folders
move every file of each_folder to main_folder with replacing
end repeat
end tell
This works if you have a main folder and one subfolder. But I have a main folder, then a subfolder and again subfolder in this subfolder.
Main Folder
This Script runs with Subfolder1. Can you please help me modify the script to select the Main Folder, and copy the files from the Subfolders2 in the parent subfolder1?
set main_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the main folder")
tell application "Finder"
set sub_folders to folders of main_folder
set sub_FolderDeep to folders of sub_folders
repeat with each_folder in sub_FolderDeep
move every file of each_folder to sub_folders with replacing
end repeat
end tel
because sub_folders is a list of folders.
The code below really scan the subfolders but as you may see, I disabled the code supposed to move the files.
I let as an exercise the creation of the code moving the files correctly.
In your code the Finder is asked to move a file in a list of folders which it can’t do.
set main_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the main folder")
tell application "Finder"
set sub_folders to folders of main_folder as alias list
repeat with a_sub_folder in sub_folders
set sub_FolderDeep to folders of a_sub_folder as alias list
if sub_FolderDeep is not {} then
repeat with each_folder in sub_FolderDeep
--move every file of each_folder to sub_folders with replacing
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 9 juin 2019 12:50:00
set main_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the main folder")
tell application "Finder"
set sub_folders to folders of main_folder
repeat with each_folder in sub_folders
move every file of each_folder to main_folder with replacing
set sub_folders_2 to folders of each_folder
repeat with each_folder_2 in sub_folders_2
move every file of each_folder_2 to main_folder with replacing
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
A more versatile and faster solution is a combination of the find and mv command of the shell
set maxdepth to 2
set main_folder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Choose the main folder")
do shell script "find " & quoted form of main_folder & " -maxdepth " & (maxdepth as text) & " -type f ! -name '.*' -print -exec /bin/mv {} " & quoted form of main_folder & " \\;"