Run several command in Terminal one after another

Good day!
I have a task: run several command in Terminal one after another.
Commands like these:

cd /Projects/Mac80Code/Shared
xcodebuild -project Shared.xcodeproj -configuration Debug
cd /Projects/Mac80Code/Common
xcodebuild -project Common.xcodeproj -configuration Debug
and so on

All projects must started to build only after end of building previous one.

How I can resolve this problem?

Thanks for attention.

Moving to the OS X forum.

Hi Finvie,

you can run several commands in one line by separating them with semicolons:

do shell script ("cd /Projects/Mac80Code/Shared; xcodebuild -project Shared.xcodeproj -configuration Debug; cd /Projects/Mac80Code/Common; xcodebuild -project Common.xcodeproj -configuration Debug; and so on")


Thanks a lot!!!