Hey howdy and good afternoon, I am very new to programming on the apple. I was wondering, when i save my script as an application and then try to run it, it pops up with a message saying would i like to run the script. And I was hoping that there was a way to get rid of that. Any suggestions. I am running Script Editor 2.1 and applescript 1.10
When you save your script there are options at the bottom of the save dialog. First option is Run only, second is Stay Open, and the third is Startup Screen. You want to uncheck the Startup Screen box. If you check the run only, you cannot edit the app anymore (unless there is some way to do that that I’m unaware of). The third is for running an app that you want to stay open all the time or until some condition is met.
Thanks a bunch PreTech, thats just what i needed! This place is great way to get information. thanks again!