Safari New Window Placement & Dimensions

Hi folks.

I think I’m in the right area for this.

I now have 5 monitors, all positioned in unique positions due to their placement on my desk and different sizes.

What I want to do is create a window that fills up my new monitor, which floats above the other 4 monitors.

I’ve tried Javascript inside a page I can load, but that didn’t work. I tried using some parameters inside this:

tell application "Safari"
	set document 1 to (make new window)
	set position of document 1 to {1469, -1129}
	set bounds of document 1 to {1469, -1129, 3512, -4}
end tell

That throws an error.

Anybody have any insight into how I can accomplish this?


Here’s a quickie. The syntax calls for a document, not a window to be created. As far as the bounds you’ll have to play with that since I only have one monitor.

	tell application "Safari"
	make new document at beginning with properties {URL:""}
	set bounds of window 1 to {0, 0, 1000, 1000}
end tell

Jim Neumann

Thanks for the info. She works!