I would like to do as follows in Applesctipt on Sonoma
I have several folders into a main folder which contains them all-
After copying data I need from the first folder.
Save in a selected folder the text document created via paste on Bbedit using as a name the first word of the document.
As (example) “FIRSATNAME.txt”
Insert in the script a delay to be able copy some text from wherever I need it.
Paste the selection in Bbedit
Save the new document in the same folder I used previously using as a name the same name I used before plus the word info as
(example) “FIRSATNAME-info.txt”
In this way the folder will display 3 files
insert an other additional delay to copy another document and repeat the whole proces.
Each document has the same first world as the indicator for saving it
How is the data being copied?
manually by you onto the clipboard?
By AppleScript from a file?
By AppleScript from and open window/document in an open program?
Thanks again but still I am not qualifies enough to do it from applescript
I beed to copy the file as it usually comes from the web (Chrome) and I need to select what I need.
Bbedit helps me to put the first word when is missing and additioonal correction if necessary
AH! Sorry your use of the word “File” is what’s throwing me off.
For me a file is what you have on your disk. What you have is data from a website that you copied onto the clipboard and then pasted into BBEdit, correct?
It would be very possible to write a script that will take the data/text off the clipboard, bypassing the need for BBEdit.
I can whip one up very quickly, but it would have to wait probably till Monday as I’m very busy this weekend.
Also, could you post a sample text file that you would use?