I am equally flummoxed as to any reason for the failure of my applescript invoked screencapture. I am comfortable with the screencapture shell command as I have successfully employed it, via terminal. I have also attempted to disable screen capture’s shadow, so that now in addition to my prior failed fixes, my list of failed attempts now includes:
disabling screencapture’s shadow.
Screencapture defaults invoked by
do shell script "defaults read com.apple.screencapture"
now returns
Possible thoughts on resolving this dilemma:
A. Complications to applescript calling a shell script
B. Complications that produce a rectangular tan box rather than any image in screencapture
C. Underlying preferences that Applescript calls when copying an image, that precede screen capture’s execution
Thanks for your help, and I look forward to any further insights on overcoming this script barrier.
I have researched this problem, a little further. I now note that my screencapture command works:
• when called in Terminal
• when called by keyboard command command + shift +4 in any application
• when called in Script Editor
but returns no copied image but only a tan rectangle, whose size appears to match the size of the mouse coordinates, employed when the screencapture command was called.
How might a tan rectangle with mouse coordinates be trigged by something in Applescript when run in Script Debugger?