My problem: I have a growing collection of videos that I’ve acquired over the years. My problem is that I have so many now that it’s difficult to remember what they all are, what they’re about, who is in each etc.
The solution: I developed a workflow of 4 applescripts to accomplish my task. The workflow ultimately places the information about each video in the video file, such that I can open a video and instantly see the data or use Spotlight to search on the data. A more detailed explanation of what each script does is explained inside each applescript.
This is script 4 of 4. Add chapter markers to a video:
This script works on the front movie in QuickTime Player. This script is only necessary if you want to add chapter markers to a video file. You move the playhead in quicktime to the location where you want to add a chapter and run the script. The script asks you for a name for the chapter and then makes the chapter marker at that location.
The 4 scripts are here:
(* This script will help you create chapters in a quicktime movie. You open a movie in quicktime player, place the playhead where you want to add the chapter, and run this script. The script will prompt you for the name and then create the chapter. If the movie doesn't contain a text track where you can place the chapters, then this script will automatically add a text track called "Chapter Track" for you. *)
(* Note: this script is a modified version of scripts I got from here: and code from the forums of MacScripter BBS found here: *)
(* Note: I found a problem in quicktime 7 with setting the duration of a chapter when the time scale of the movie is not 600. In these cases, setting a chapter's duration would cause quicktime to delete the chapter and thus not allow the script to work properly. As such, my work-around for this problem is to not set a chapter's duration for movies with a time scale different than 600. Be aware that the durations of the chapters are incorrect in these cases, although I haven't seen any detrimental effects from this. All movies with a time scale of 600 are set properly. *)
tell application "QuickTime Player"
if not (exists front movie) then error "Error: No movies are open!"
set movie_name to name of front movie
stop movies
tell movie movie_name
if saveable is false then error "This movie has previously been set so that it cannot be copied, edited, or saved."
set new_chapter to my newChapterName(movie_name) -- prompt for a name of the new chapter
set {time_scale, current_time, movie_end} to {time scale, current time, duration} -- get movie properties
-- check time scale for value of 600 to see if we can set chapter duration properly
if time_scale is 600 then
set can_set_duration to true
display dialog "The time scale of this movie is not 600. You can still make chapters in this movie although the duration of the chapters will not be correct." & return & return & "Would you like to \"Continue\" and make the chapter anyway or do you want to \"Stop\" the script now?" buttons {"Stop", "Continue"} default button 2
set button_returned to button returned of result
if button_returned is "Continue" then
set can_set_duration to false
end if
end if
-- if there's not a chapter track then add one
if current chapter track is {} then
if current_time is 0 then
set make_chapter_track to my makeChapterTrack(movie_name, new_chapter, can_set_duration)
if not make_chapter_track then error "Error: The new chapter track was improperly made!" & return & return & "Please close the movie and DO NOT save any changes. Check to make sure you have write privileges on the volume containing the movie."
set make_chapter_track to my makeChapterTrack(movie_name, "Start", can_set_duration)
if not make_chapter_track then error "Error: The new chapter track was improperly made!" & return & return & "Please close the movie and DO NOT save any changes. Check to make sure you have write privileges on the volume containing the movie."
end if
end if
-- get chapter info
set {chapter_list, start_list, duration_list, chapter_count} to {sample data, time, duration, count} of chapters
-- check to make sure the current time is not on a chapter start
if current_time is in start_list then
error "Error: There already is a chapter which begins at the current time."
else if current_time = movie_end then
error "Error: You cannot add a chapter at the end of a movie."
end if
-- figure out how many chapters before the current time
repeat with i from 1 to chapter_count
if item i of start_list > current_time then
set i to i - 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- create the new chapter list
if i = 0 then -- the new chapter will be first
set beginning of chapter_list to new_chapter
set beginning of start_list to current_time
else if i = chapter_count then -- the new chapter will be last
set end of chapter_list to new_chapter
set end of start_list to current_time
tell chapter_list to set chapter_list to items 1 thru i & new_chapter & (items (i + 1) thru -1)
tell start_list to set start_list to items 1 thru i & current_time & (items (i + 1) thru -1)
end if
-- set the chapter list of the movie
set the contents of current chapter track to chapter_list
-- apply properties to every chapter
set chapter_count to (chapter_count + 1)
repeat with i from 1 to chapter_count
set this_time to item i of start_list
if can_set_duration then
if i = chapter_count then -- last chapter
set x to movie_end - this_time
set x to (item (i + 1) of start_list) - this_time - 1
end if
tell chapter i to set {time, duration, sample data} to {this_time, x, item i of chapter_list}
tell chapter i to set {time, sample data} to {this_time, (item i of chapter_list)}
end if
end repeat
end tell
on error error_message number error_number
if the error_number is not -128 then
display dialog error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end if
end try
end tell
(*================ SUBROUTINES ==================*)
on newChapterName(movie_name)
set new_chapter to ""
tell application "QuickTime Player" to tell movie movie_name
set chapter_list to sample data of chapters
set new_chapter to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the name for the new chapter:" default answer new_chapter)
if new_chapter is in chapter_list then
display dialog "Error: There already is a chapter named \"" & new_chapter & "\"."
error number -128
else if new_chapter is not "" then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
return new_chapter
end newChapterName
on makeChapterTrack(movie_name, chapter_name, can_set_duration)
tell application "QuickTime Player" to tell movie movie_name
set these_tracks to the name of every track
set track_count to count of tracks
set the link_track to choose from list these_tracks with prompt "This is the first chapter you're adding to this movie. Please pick the track which your chapters will link to."
if link_track is false then error number -128
set link_track to link_track as string
set this_track to make new track at beginning with data chapter_name
on error
set name of last track to chapter_name
set this_track to last track
end try
set new_track_count to count of tracks
if new_track_count is not (track_count + 1) then error
tell this_track
set enabled to false
set preload to true
set name to "Chapter Track"
end tell
set chapterlist of track link_track to track "Chapter Track"
tell chapter 1 to set the time to 0
if can_set_duration then
set movie_duration to the duration
tell chapter 1 to set duration to movie_duration
end if
end tell
if new_track_count is not (track_count + 1) then error
return true
on error
return false
end try
end makeChapterTrack