Script and restricted paths


With AppleScript, I need to stuff a folder that is here:

Macintosh HD:Library:FileMaker Server:Data:Backups

But I get an error messaqge from DropStuff and it seems that the problem is related to limited access privileges to this folder.

I use an account with admin rights.

What must I do to stuff this folder with AppleScript?

Thanks for any help.

Andrew Hobson

My questions concerning the example listed below:

  1. I don’t see how to grab and handle a potential error from the command stuff?
  2. Is it possible to stuff “silently”, without the DropStuff icon bouncing on the task bar and opening it’s windows?

--Déclaration des variables
set SourceFolder to "Macintosh HD:Library:Application Support:Bobo:"
set DestinationFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:andrew:Documents:"

--Compression du dossier
	with timeout of (20 * minutes) seconds
		tell application "DropStuff"
			stuff SourceFolder format StuffIt to DestinationFolder binhexing yes
		end tell
	end timeout
on error errText number errNum
end try

Thanks for the help.

Andrew Hobson