Script Debugger 6

I’ve posted an announcement about the release of Script Debugger 6 in the general forum, but I thought I’d add a few ASObjC-specific comments here.

Script Debugger 6 is a huge step for ASObjC in a couple of ways. First, it shows results in a usable form; no more ocids. Second, it has ASObjC code completion. This will be familiar to users of ASObjC Explorer, but it takes things even further.

But perhaps more importantly, it means there is now a single editor that excels in both application scripting and ASObjC scripting.

If anyone’s interested in what this means for ASObjC Explorer, you can read my comments at the top of this page:

And the Script Debugger page is here:

(Disclaimer: I wrote ASObjC Explorer, and I’ve also been working on development of Script Debugger)