In this context, it’s perhaps worth regarding Mac OS X as still something of a work in progress, Connie.
By contrast, OS 9 was a mature product developed over many years, with a history of eight previous full integer revisions under its belt. The ability to capture certain key actions in an application and record them in a script was quite well advanced there - and a number of major applications supported the recording of scripts in Applescript.
In terms of their AppleScript implementation, Mac applications can be broadly categorised as offering:
¢ No scriptability (and therefore no recordability)
¢ Limited scriptability (and therefore no recordability)
¢ Comprehensive scriptability (possibly with recordability)
Obviously, before an application can offer recordability, its AppleScript implementation needs to be pretty substantial. So developers who intend to support AS will invest more time and effort getting that right, first.
When Mac OS X was first launched, Apple (along with various third-party Mac software developers) were, to an extent, going back to the drawing board. Most current Apple applications were introduced with (or since) OS X - including TextEdit, Safari, Mail, Address Book, iCal, iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, etc.
In my opinion (for what it’s worth), several of these products still have some way to go before their AS implementation could be considered fully “up to scratch”. So at the moment, I’d rather see programmers concentrating their efforts on achieving this aim, rather than skimming over the basics in order to bolt on some of the bells and whistles.
Please don’t get me wrong. I’d love to see more features like recording introduced (even though I’d probably not really use them myself). They’re a great way to encourage new users and provide initial assistance to those interested in getting into scripting. I’m just suggesting that there would be little point in doing so if the underlying foundation is incomplete and/or fragile.
I don’t personally know of any utility that might enhance AS recording - but then, I haven’t really been looking for one. If you want to try out a product with excellent AppleScript implementation and recordability, then you should try something like Tex-Edit Plus. Things appear to moving in the right direction in the Apple camp, too. For example, recording is now possible in Finder - but I’m afraid you’ll have to consider upgrading to take advantage of it. To demonstrate this, I just recorded my actions while creating and renaming a new folder. Here’s the result:
tell application "Finder"
select window of desktop
make new folder at folder "Documents" of folder "kai" of folder "Users" of startup disk with properties {name:"untitled folder"}
set name of folder "untitled folder" of folder "Documents" of folder "kai" of folder "Users" of startup disk to "my new folder"
end tell
OK, it may not be exactly what I’d write, but it’s pretty good - and it works.
What’s that? What would I have written? Oh, something quite close - but perhaps adjusted slightly so that it might also work on another machine:
tell application "Finder" to make new folder at (path to documents folder) with properties {name:"my new folder"}
(Is that tempting fate? Surely someone’s bound to tell me now that it doesn’t work on their machine…)