Can any one help with my script below please?
Everything works as expected except the “with replacing” line. Sometimes it does it, sometimes it doesn’t which is really weird as I can’t replicate when it does or doesn’t do it. If I remove that line it prompts for the file to replace as you would expect - I don’t want the prompt to appear and just replace the existing.
Additionally the code:
tell application “MakeZipAndMove”
open theDroppedItems
end tell
calls an Automator App that creates a zip archive of theDroppedItems folder and copies it to a specific location on my system. I’ve tried to incorporate these actions into the Applescript so it’s all self contained to no avail so, although not the priority, any help with this too would be greatly appreciated.
on open theDroppedItems – drop the sub Artwork folder
tell application “Finder”
set theAi to first item of ((files of (item 1 of theDroppedItems) whose name extension is “ai”) as alias list)
end tell – finds the Illustrator file within the sub Artwork folder
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
open theAi -- opens the Illustrator file from the sub Artwork folder
tell document 1
do script "RELEASES UPDATE" from "Dave's" -- runs the specific Illustrator action
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set f to ":Users:g-uk-tam1-retail-2:Desktop:PDF's:Not Distilled:" as alias
move files of entire contents of f to theDroppedItems with replacing
end tell
end tell
tell application "MakeZipAndMove"
open theDroppedItems
end tell
As far as I know,
set f to “:Users:g-uk-tam1-retail-2:Desktop:PDF’s:Not Distilled:” as alias
is not a valid HFS pathname.
You must insert the name of the volume at its very beginning, something like :
set f to “Macintosh HD:Users:g-uk-tam1-retail-2:Desktop:PDF’s:Not Distilled:” as alias
In fact I would edit more:
tell application "Finder"
set f to "Macintosh HD:Users:g-uk-tam1-retail-2:Desktop:PDF's:Not Distilled:" as alias
move (entire contents of f as alias list) to theDroppedItems with replacing
end tell
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 14 décembre 2020 15:41:42
As I understand it, your action is distilling the file. This is an asynchronous action, and it takes some time to distill the file. Your Finder is moving the folder without checking if the process of distillation of its ai- file is over.
The solution to the problem is:
You need to save the result of distillation to a different file, not the original one. Then the Finder should check if the new file exists (which means that the distillation is complete). Then you can move the distilled result with Finder. This is the only way to make your script stable.
Checking new file existing is simple. Like this:
tell application "Finder"
repeat until POSIX file output_path exists
delay 0.1
end repeat
end tell
or, without Finder:
alias output_HFSpath -- distilled file exists?
exit repeat
end try
delay 0.5
end repeat
Not to disagree because Yvan’s point is a valid one, but just a point of information, I ran the following in Script Editor and received the results shown:
set f to ":Users:Robert:Documents:" as alias --> alias "Macintosh HD:Users:Robert:Documents:"
Sorry KniazidisR, can’t seem to quote your reply… in answer to your post:
The folder “Not Distilled” is kind’ve a red herring - the file doesn’t go through any actions and is just stored in that named folder.
But you have raised an interesting point. When the script activates Illustrator and calls the specific Action there is some “manual” processing going on within Illustrator BEFORE the script should continue on its route. I think I have been lucky in doing the manual processes quickly thus allowing the script to continue correctly, but have purposely delayed my manual process to see what happens - and it’s an issue. So this “checking for file before continuing” is very relevant.
I will look to incorporating this in the script.
To augment Yvan’s reply, if the Desktop concerned is that of the current user, the alias to the folder can be “soft coded” in either of these ways:
tell application "Finder"
set f to (folder "PDF's:Not Distilled:" of desktop) as alias
move (entire contents of f as alias list) to theDroppedItems with replacing
end tell
set f to ((path to desktop as text) & "PDF's:Not Distilled:") as alias
tell application "Finder"
move (entire contents of f as alias list) to theDroppedItems with replacing
end tell
The latter’s slightly quicker at obtaining the alias, but this won’t be noticeable in the context of the script as a whole.
Another point which may have relevance to the original problem is that theDroppedItems is a list of alias(es), not a folder reference….