Hello everyone,
My question concerns Acrobat Distiller. I wrote AppleScript program on Mac OS X. My script has to make PDF-file from PS-file. I have a few different sets for Distiller. For example, PDF/X-1a, Standard, MyOwnPDF, etc. My question is:
how I can change in AppleScript my default settings BEFORE starting distilling process? There is Distiller Suite in the Dictionary of Script Editor. But when I try to use command “adobePDFSettingsName” nothing happens. By the way, when my script executes command “Distill” nothing happens neither. My script performs distilling process of my PS-file when uses command “open”.
For example,
tell application “Acrobat Distiller”
open “myFile.ps”
end tell
It works, and I get PDF-file “myFILE.pdf”
But script
tell application “Acrobat Distiller”
Distill sourcePath “myFile.ps”
end tell
does not work. Nothing happens.