Script for Acrobat Distiller

Hello everyone,
My question concerns Acrobat Distiller. I wrote AppleScript program on Mac OS X. My script has to make PDF-file from PS-file. I have a few different sets for Distiller. For example, PDF/X-1a, Standard, MyOwnPDF, etc. My question is:
how I can change in AppleScript my default settings BEFORE starting distilling process? There is Distiller Suite in the Dictionary of Script Editor. But when I try to use command “adobePDFSettingsName” nothing happens. By the way, when my script executes command “Distill” nothing happens neither. My script performs distilling process of my PS-file when uses command “open”.

For example,

tell application “Acrobat Distiller”
open “”
end tell

It works, and I get PDF-file “myFILE.pdf”

But script

tell application “Acrobat Distiller”
Distill sourcePath “”
end tell

does not work. Nothing happens.

This should do it!

set thefile to choose file
set output_folder to (path to desktop as string) & "Out" as alias
tell application "Acrobat Distiller"
	Distill sourcePath thefile destinationPath output_folder adobePDFSettingsPath "/Library/Application Support/Adobe PDF/Settings/Your_Job_Options.joboptions"
end tell


set theFile to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Select the File to Distill")
set jobOptions to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "Select the Job Options File")

tell application "Acrobat Distiller"
	Distill sourcePath theFile adobePDFSettingsPath jobOptions
end tell

Both the sourcePath and the settingsPath needed to be provided in Posix form.