script icons??

I have several scripts, some saved as app’s.

Is ther a way of changing the icon for them?

It would be ideal to do this as part of the script itself

hi dj,

the way i do this is the way you can use custom icons for anything on a Mac.

  1. highlight the icon you want to use and do a ‘Get Info’.
  2. click on the small icon in the ‘Get Info’ box. do a ‘command c’, for copy.
  3. highlight the program or file or folder you want to change, and do a ‘Get Info’.
  4. click on the small icon in the ‘Get Info’ box and do a ‘command v’ for paste.


if there is a better way to do this, i’d also be interested.

waltr’s way is fast and easy, but this puts the icon inside the application:

Save as an application bundle.
Open the bundle drawer.
Drag the icon you want to use into the drawer.
Select applet.icns and, using the dropdown action menu, delete it.
Select your icon file and, using the dropdown menu, rename it “applet.icns”
Save the application - “command s” should be fine.

If you go back later and make changes to the script, you’ll need to do this again because the custom icon will be overwritten by the default icon - at least that’s what happened to me.

If you want to install the application with its custom icon on another computer, make a disk image before moving it. If you transfer it as a saved application, the custom icon will be lost.


I was using Iconographer to make custom icons for my scripts but found that they got corrupted very easily and they sometimes went back to the default if I had to resave the script.

Has anyone come up with a “stable” way to customize script icons??

I usually use Graphic Converter, sometimes with Icon Composer (which I found in my Developer folder) and I don’t have trouble with corruption.

I have resaved and had the custom icon replaced by the default, but that isn’t surprising because the custom icon has to be given the name of the default icon. I don’t think that problem can be prevented until (if it ever happens) custom icons can keep their custom names in bundled scripts.


I do what capitalj does; Use Icon Composer (part of the developer tools) to turn images into an icns (icon) file, then replacing the application’s existing icon (the icns file inside the bundle, not Get Info) with the new one. (Then I keep a copy of my new icon somewhere else in case I need it again.)

FWIW, I have a couple of apps on ScriptBuilders that use different icons:
Parent Folder
New Text File