Script opens Classic app instead of OS X app

Hi everyone,

A poster at AppleInsider has noted that his code

tell app "QuickTime Player"....

Opens Classic instead of the OS X player.

We tried the workaround

tell application "Finder" to set QTP_path to application file id " Player" as Unicode text

tell application QTP_path
end tell

Which does open the OS X version of QT, but further instructions to QT Player, like the term “movie”, are not recognized.

How can he get his “tell” instruction directed to the OS X verison of QT Player?


Johnny - AppleInsider “Mac OS” Forum Moderator


Surround the tell block with ‘using terms from’ so that at compile time it knows what app to take the dictionary terms from. Here’s an example:

set the_movie to choose file
tell application “Finder”
set QT_path to (application file id “TVOD”) as string
end tell
using terms from application “QuickTime Player”
tell application QT_path
launch – opens QT without the initial blank movie
open the_movie
tell front movie
end tell
end tell
end using terms from


Thanks so much for the reply.

Curious though - how would one code the “Using Terms From” block if one WANTED to open the QT Player on the Classic system?

The poster is getting Classic launching when he does a “Tell app ‘QuickTime Player’” statement. I don’t get that on my machine with the same statement, but I don’t have Classic installed anyway.

Hi John,

I have classic and it happens to me. What I usually do is work with the script with the OSX Quicktime Player open. When I’m done for the time being with the script, I save it and run the saved script one time. Then, I close the OSX QuickTime Player. Then when I run the saved script it uses the OSX QuickTime Player.

I did a quick test. First, I opened the OSX QT. Then I ran this script:

set the_movie to choose file
tell application “Macintosh HD:Applications (Mac OS 9):QuickTime:QuickTime Player”
open the_movie
end tell

Notice the path to the OS9 app. The movie still opened in the OSX QT. If I open both players, then it opened in classic. So, a sure fire way for it to open in classic might be to launch the OS9 QT first using the Finder. If you don’t have the OSX QT open, then you wouldn’t need to do this as it would use the classic QT.

Another method would be to have the script run in classic. This is one of the options when saving a script.

Note that open is an application command that usually doesn’t require the app to be scriptable. Hence, using terms from was not necessary.
