Script to do Save-As on Excel files

Jon Nathan provided this really good script to do auto save-as on a bunch on documents in Word. I need the same thing done in Excel, to do a save-as (so that the version is updated to the current version of Excel vX). I figured I could tweak myself, but I keep getting a compile error. :oops: Basically I had changed over the Word refs to Excel and the Excel file format to xlNormal.

Anyway, here is the original script which does exactly what I need but in Word. Anyone with a minute to spare, your help will be greatly appreciated.

on run
open (choose folder with prompt “Where are your old Word files?”)
end run

on open the_folder
if class of the_folder = list then set the_folder to item 1 of the_folder
set the_folder to the_folder as string
set target_folder to (my make_target_folder((text 1 thru -2 of the_folder) & “_converted”)) as string
set the_files to (my get_folder_list(the_folder, “doc”))
repeat with i from 1 to count of the_files
copy (my get_name_and_container(item i of the_files)) to {file_name, source_folder}
my convert_file(source_folder, target_folder, file_name)
end repeat
display dialog “Your Word files have been converted.” buttons {“OK”} default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 10
end open

on convert_file(source_folder, target_folder, file_name)
tell application “Microsoft Word”
open (source_folder & file_name) as alias
do Visual Basic “ChangeFileOpenDirectory “” & target_folder & “””
do Visual Basic “ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=”" & file_name & “”, FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument"
close document 1 of window 1
end tell
end convert_file

on make_target_folder(folder_path)
tell application “Finder”
set target_folder to folder_path as alias
on error
copy (my get_name_and_container(folder_path)) to {item_name, container_name}
set target_folder to make new folder at (container_name as alias) with properties {name:item_name}
end try
end tell
return target_folder
end make_target_folder

on get_name_and_container(item_path)
set item_path to item_path as string
my atid(“:”)
set item_name to text item -1 of item_path
set item_count to ((count of text items of item_path) - 1)
set container_name to “”
repeat with i from 1 to item_count
set container_name to container_name & text item i of item_path & “:”
end repeat
my atid(“”)
return {item_name, container_name}
end get_name_and_container

on get_folder_list(the_folder, file_extension)
set the_files to {}
tell application “Finder” to set folder_list to every file of folder the_folder whose name ends with file_extension
repeat with new_file in folder_list
copy (new_file as string) to end of the_files
end repeat
return the_files
end get_folder_list

on atid(the_delim)
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to the_delim
end atid

–this script was automatically tagged for
–color coded syntax by Script to Markup Code
–written by Jon Nathan

These scripts aren’t very pretty and could be significantly enhanced but as QND (quick and dirty) solutions, they work. This one is almost identical to the Word script. Once again, watch that the file names of the old files end in “xls” and that none of the files (or any of the folder names anywhere in the path) are longer than 31 characters:


Thanks Jon… I tried this and it works great. These scripts (word saveas, excel saveas) will save me lots of time…

keith :smiley: