On our Windows PCs we are able to run a vbscript to query the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data)data to retrieve the monitor model no. and serial no. This info is then gathered into a text file and is used for asset tracking/auditing.
I am investigating if it is possible to do something similar on a Mac running OSX. I guess if it is it would be in the form of an Applescript instead of the vbscript that is used on the PCs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
The tool system_profiler would hopefully be of some use here, but unfortunately comes nowhere near:
do shell script "system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType"
To be honest, I’d never heard of EDID before, so I looked it up on wikipedia.
According to the entry:
Maybe try having a look at those apps.
I now have a small app that runs a query and outputs the result to a text file.
This is what I want which is great but as this is all for hardware asset tracking/auditing would like to run this app onto all the Macs on the network. We use ARD for all remote control administration of our Macs so perhaps I coud run an Applescript to execute this app onto all the Macs on the network via ARD ?
Does anyone know if this is possible ?
Many thanks in advance.