Hi guys,
I’m currently using this script to create a numbers document (below)
However, It creates a Table Name (‘Table 1’) at the top of the document, which annoyingly becomes a row, wehn exported to Excel.
Is there any way to either create the table without this Name, or remove it after the table has been created?
set shellDate to do shell script "date +'%Y%m%d'TEST"
set fileType to ".numbers"
set todaysDate to (current date)
set the nameToUse to shellDate
-- make sure the file name is not in use
set the destinationFolderHFSPath to ¬
(path to the desktop) as string
repeat with i from 0 to 100
if i is 0 then
set incrementText to ""
set incrementText to "-" & (i as string)
end if
set thisFileName to nameToUse & incrementText
set thisFilePath to destinationFolderHFSPath & thisFileName & fileType
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists document file thisFilePath) then exit repeat
end tell
end repeat
tell application "Numbers"
set thisDocument to make new document
tell thisDocument to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
delete first row
delete first column
end tell
save thisDocument in file thisFilePath
end tell