Script to unmount disk images

I’ve been up all night trying to create a script that will make/return a list of all mounted disks, verify that two specific disks are mounted then unmount them.

Script Editor will compile but after it creates the mounted disk list - only as a comment as seen in the replies widow - it skips the “if” and nested “tell” statements, and finishes with the end tell that closes the “tell application “System Event” statement without completing the “end run”.

I’ve tried many different ways but they either fail to compile or give the same result I’ve been getting with the version posted here. Suggestions on how to fix this are greatly appreciated.

on run
	tell application "Finder"
	end tell
	tell application "System Events"
		get the name of every disk
			--> Protion being skipped
		if list contains {"PlexMedia", "For Edit"} then
			tell application "Finder"
				eject "PlexMedia"
				eject "For Edit"
			end tell
		end if
		-->end portion being skipped
	end tell
end run

Script Editor Reply:

tell application “Finder”
end tell
tell application “System Events”
get name of every disk
→ {“Maintosh HD”, “vm”, “home”, “PlexMedia”, “For Edit”}
end tell

Model: MBP mid 2012 13 inch
AppleScript: version 2.11 (208)
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.15

list is a reserved word in AppleScript. It’s strongly discouraged to use it as variable name.

And your logic will unmount both disks only if the list – that’s the meaning of the reserved word – contains both items. If only one of the disks is currently mounted nothing will happen.

And you are going to eject a literal string. Put the keyword disk in front of the name

This is one possible solution

tell application "Finder"
  	  set allDisks to name of every disk
  	  set disksToUnmount to {"PlexMedia", "For Edit"}
  	  repeat with aDisk in allDisks
  	     	 if disksToUnmount contains contents of aDisk then
   	        		 eject disk aDisk
   	    	 end if
  	  end repeat
end tell

or – as there are only two disks to unmount – this simpler version

tell application "Finder"
    set allDisks to name of every disk
    if allDisks contains "For Edit" then eject disk "For Edit"
    if allDisks contains "PlexMedia" then eject disk "PlexMedia"
end tell

Or the minimalist version, if a disk is not mounted the thrown error will be ignored.

tell application "Finder"
    		    eject disk "PlexMedia"
   	 end try
        		eject disk "For Edit"
    	end try
end tell

Hi GreggInKC. Welcome to MacScripter.

Stefan’s answered your query. I just wanted to point out that MacScripter’s tags for posting AppleScript code are actually [applescript] and [/applescript]. There’s a button for them above the text window when you post. They produce a box with a clickable link to open the script in a reader’s default editor. I’ve edited the tags for you in your post.

Thank you Nigel. I wondered why it didn’t creat the box. Thanks to you Stefan for multiple options. I knew the answer was probably simple but it just was not coming to me. I will work with these today and post the finished working script when I get done.

i have code for 2 methods of eject - eject all and eject except… at one time, one of my computers had an sd card that lived in the side slot, so i never wanted to eject that.

these were built in probably catalina or around that time, and i have since moved on from that laptop, but i believe everything still works.

eject all:

tell application "Finder" to eject (every disk whose ejectable is true and local volume is true)

eject except:
my exceptions = jetdrive = the sd card that lived in the side. startup disk. home = what i call my user. net is net.

set exceptionsList to {"JetDrive", "startup disk", "home", "net"}
tell application "Finder"
	set diskList to the disks
	repeat with mountedDisk in diskList
		if name of mountedDisk is not in exceptionsList then
			eject mountedDisk
		end if
	end repeat
end tell