“Script which may change your AppleScripting Life”
It sounds like an ambitous title doesn’t it, but it is true. I wrote this since:
¢ Navigating through folder to get the path of the scripts again and again was boring.
¢ And even more boring is finding the right paths to the load script statement.
¢ Still more boring and time consuming is navigating and finding the right file to stuff that fancy handler into.
¢ It is also boring to have to switch to the Finder and navigate to that folder some library script or snippet is stored in.:mad:
Its main strength is providing easy access to resources you may need while writing a script.
I have assigned ScriptLibraryLoader to the global short cut control cmd L in the short cut utility I use. Spark is a great free shortcut manager that stores the properties of the script upon exit. Spark can be downloaded here. This makes it easy to me to open files while for instance browsing on MacScripter.net and add stuff to my collections, as well as handy when I want to create a library loader during scripting. -I use this a lot more than I usually do after the period where I was thrilled about having written it is over. At the end of the day: II find very useful as a sidekick when AppleScripting.
It is a little localized so you will get button names etc. in your local language, and I have strived for making it compatible with Tiger. Should you localize the rest of the text of the script, then it would be very nice if you contacted me, as I have plans for a fully localized version.
I hope you find ScriptLibraryLoader useful too.
(If you find it cool, or that it generally sucks, don’t hesitate to tell me!)
Best Regards
Documentation of ScriptLibraryLoader
This script helps you to:
¢ Achieve a smoother workflow when scripting, because you don’t have to visit other folders
¢ Makes it a lot easier to “stuff in” the handlers in the Library files where they belong.
¢ A lot faster access to your library folders and files by getting there automatically.
¢ Gets “load script” statements instantaneously by only choosing file to create statement from.
¢ Differentiates standard load library statements from AppleMods: can be downloaded from here.
¢ It is easy to implement special support for your own ScriptServers.
¢ These factors lead to a much more organized and easy to navigate scripting environment.[/b]
¢ The script now uses [b][color=blue]Allan Craig's[/color] [url=http://allancraig.net/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&Itemid=100&gid=51&orderby=dmdate_published&ascdesc=DESC/]getModKey[/url][/b] when the script is run. [b][color=red]You need to install [/color][color=blue]getModKey[/color][color=red] in order to
make the script work properly Instructions follow below[/color][color=blue] (**)[/color][/b].
¢ It creates [b]load script statments[/b] and copies the to the clipboard so that you can paste them straight
into the code as property statements.
¢ It remembers the path to the folder from the last [b][color=blue]choose file dialog[/color][/b] so that you can continue where
you left off. Should you surpass the realms of the library, it will remember the last path within the library path.[b]
¢ Standard Modus operandi[/b] is to display a [b][color=blue]choose from list[/color] dialog[/b] with the operations:
[b]¢Load File in Editor
¢Reveal in Finder
¢Create Load Statmenent[/b]
¢ There are shortcuts to bypass this dialog and and perform the preferred action directly, while
pressing a predfined [b]key modifier[/b] while selecting a file in the [b][color=blue]choose file [/color] dialog:
¢Press [color=blue]cmd[/color] key while confirming to just open the file.
¢Press [color=blue]control[/color] key while confirming to Reveal File in Finder.
¢Press [color=blue]control cmd[/color] to make Load Statement for the Library - if it is.[/b]
¢ The script reacts to which script editor is currently active and loads the file into it.
¢ If you hit Esc when choosing files, you are taken to a list of your predefined libraries.
¢ The script is localized thanks to [b][color=blue]Yvan KOENIG[/color][/b]
[b]About the user interface.[/b]
Great care have been taken to provide an as smooth as possible experience of using this script while retaining the necessary functionality.
¢ You may choose a file from anywhere you want in one the [b][color=blue]choose file[/color] dialog[/b] -it will only remember paths and create load
statements from within a specified Library path.
¢ You may get a question the first time you cancel a dialog, but after the second time, it just quits.
¢ You can get back to the initial [b][color=blue]choose file[/color] dialog[/b] from the input of library name dialog, should you so wish, so you don't have
to start over again if you picked the wrong library.
The script is to be installed from somewhere it can be reached from your script-editors that is.
Not in any script editors application folder, unless you create aliases to the others should you use more than one. -The idea is to always retain the last path to the libraries, so that you don’t have to “re navigate” like you would if you should open them from script editor. And having access to the script from other apps is also nice!
You must of course also perform the initial configuration:[b]
¢ Provide your library paths and other paths, and strings to specify them in the dialogs. Library paths must
come before paths to clippings and snippets folders.
¢ You must also update the list of booleans which specify wether this path is AppleMods compatible or not.
If you want the script to provide support for your own script servers, you will have to figure out the necessary tests
for your self.[/b]
[b]color=blue Installation of Alan Craig’s getModKey[/color]
When you have downloaded getModKey, you should open up a Terminal window;
Enter the following commands or copy from here and past into terminal window.
[code] cd ~/Downloads # (Enter)
ls getModKey # (Enter) This verifies that the file is actually there.
sudo cp getModKey /usr/local/bin # (Enter) !! assuming this is were your store your extra unix utilities.
(you are asked to enter your password, and that is perfectly normal.)
echo “You have now successfully installed Alan Craig's getModKey:”
ls -l /usr/local/bin/getModKey[/code]
You must also edit the do shell script line in the script which uses getModKey so that it has the correct path
[b]Examples of load Statements
The generated load statements is pasted to the clipboard, and you have to take over from there.[/b]
Example of a regular library loader script library statement
property thePribLib : ( load script alias "Macintosh HD:Library:Scripts:Modules:priorityLib.scpt")
Example of created AppleMods loader statement.
property _Loader : run application "LoaderServer"
property listLib : missing value
on __load__(loader)
set my listLib to loader's loadLib("List ")
end __load__
The Script which is ScriptLibraryLoader
-- The Idea and implementation and any faults is totally mine. © McUsr 2010 and put in the Public Domain.
-- The usually guarrantees about nothing what so ever applies, use it at your own risk.
-- Read the documentation.
-- You are not allowed to post this code elsewhere, but may of course refer to the post at macscripter.net.
-- macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=33487
This applies only to posting code, as long as you don't post it, you are welcome to do
whatever you want to do with it without any further permission.
Except for the following: Selling the code as is, or removing copyright statmentents and the embedded link in the code (without the http:// part) from the code.
You must also state what you eventually have done with the original source. This obviously doesn't matter if you distribure AppleScript as read only. I do not require you to embed any properties helding copyright notice for the code.
Credit for having contributed to your product would in all cases be nice!
If you use this code as part of script of yours you are of course welcome to post that code with my code in it here at macscripter.net. If you then wish to post your code elsewhere after having uploaded it to MacScripter.net please email me and ask for permission.
The ideal situation is however that you then refer to your code by a link to MacScripter.net
The sole reason for this, is that it is so much better for all of us to have a centralized codebase which are updated, than having to roam the net to find any usable snippets. Which some of us probabaly originated in the first hand.
I'm picky about this. If I find you to have published parts of my code on any other site without previous permission, I'll do what I can to have the site remove the code, ban you, and sue you under the jurisdiction of AGDER LAGMANNSRETT of Norway. Those are the terms you silently agree too by using this code.
The above paragraphs are also valid if you violate any of my terms.
If you use this or have advantage of this code in a professional setting, where professional setting means that you use this code to earn money by keeping yourself more productive. Or if you as an employee share the resulting script with other coworkers, enhancing the productivity of your company, then a modest donation to MacScripter.net would be appreciated.
-- script for localizing the dialogs were kindly given to my by KOENIG,Yvan.
-- The call chain and any problems that may cause is solely a responsibility of mine.
script localButtons -- © KOENIG,Yvan
property parent : AppleScript
property Cancel_loc : missing value
-- property Save_loc : missing value
property Continue_loc : missing value
property Ok_loc : missing value
-- property Authenticate_loc : missing value
-- property Skip_loc : missing value
-- property Delete_loc : missing value
-- property Eject_loc : missing value
on initializeLocalizationValues()
set localButtons's Cancel_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL1") -- Annuler
-- set localButtons's Save_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL2") -- Enregistrer
set localButtons's Continue_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL3") -- Continuer
set localButtons's Ok_loc to my getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL4") -- OK
--set localButtons's Authenticate_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL5") -- Authentifier
-- set localButtons's Skip_loc to my getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL6") -- Ignorer
--set localButtons's Delete_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL7") -- Supprimer
--set localButtons's Eject_loc to localButtons's getLocalizedString("Finder", "AL8") -- Éjecter
end initializeLocalizationValues
on getLocalizedString(a, x)
tell application a to return localized string x
end getLocalizedString
end script
property parent : my localButtons
property isDegugging : true
property Scriptversion : "0.3"
property LibraryTitles : {"AppleMods", "Local Modules", "User Modules", "Snippets 1", "Harvest", "Clippings"}
-- Snippets 1 is a standard name, it will take you to your applescript snippets folder. remember the last path here also
-- but loads the file without any option of pasting a load script statement, naturally.
-- Snippets 2 is a nother snippets folder.
-- wants to add a save path part so that I easily can make a new file in some predef structure, scripts only
-- then have it open automatically. -- choose folder give up a filename, create, open.
property LastRealLibraryIndex : 3 -- Controls wether there will be created load statements or opened files automatically By the type of library.
property LibraryPaths : {} -- holds a list of paths to library and script folder sub-trees.
property AppleModsCompatible : {} -- helds boolean values controlling if there will be generated statements for applemods libraries or not
property AsEditors : {"Script Debugger 4.5", "AppleScript Editor", "Smile"}
property script_title : "ScriptLibraryLoader"
property activePath : {}
property ActiveLibIndex : 0
property LastCommandIndex : 0
property commandMenu : {}
property scriptObjectName : ""
on run
local ctrContinueAskFromChooseLibrary, ctrContinueAskFromChooseCommand, blnIsWithinRealm, intkeyPress
set ctrContinueAskFromChooseLibrary to 0
set ctrContinueAskFromChooseCommand to 0
set ctrContinueAskFromCreateLoadStatement to 0 -- these two prevents silly second time questions if wants to continue.
set intkeyPress to 0
if LibraryPaths is {} then -- initial initializing.
initializeLocalizationValues() -- values for localized buttons.
set AsLibraries to my smartPathParadigm's initiateSmartPath({}, "Macintosh HD:Library:Scripts:ASLibraries:")
set LocalModules to my smartPathParadigm's initiateSmartPath({}, "Macintosh HD:Library:Scripts:Modules:")
set UserModules to my smartPathParadigm's initiateSmartPath({}, "Macintosh HD:Users:You:Library:Scripts:Modules:")
-- those are not real libraries, the contain clippings, snippets and such, shall allways be opened a file when
-- a file from any of those libraries are chosen
set Snippets1 to my smartPathParadigm's initiateSmartPath({}, "Macintosh HD:Users:You:Documents:AppleScriptSnippets:")
set Snippets2 to my smartPathParadigm's initiateSmartPath({}, "Macintosh HD:Users:You:Documents:AppleScript Harvest:")
set clippings to my smartPathParadigm's initiateSmartPath({}, "Macintosh HD:Users:You:Documents:AppleScriptSnippets:Clippings:")
set my LibraryPaths to {AsLibraries, LocalModules, UserModules, Snippets1, Snippets2, clippings}
set my AppleModsCompatible to {true, false, false} -- controls whether there will be generated load statement for applemods
set my ActiveLibIndex to 1
set activePath to a reference to item (my ActiveLibIndex) of my LibraryPaths -- because that suits me best.
set questionMark to a reference to file "Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:CoreTypes.bundle:Contents:Resources:GenericQuestionMarkIcon.icns"
set libraryIcon to a reference to file "Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:CoreTypes.bundle:Contents:Resources:ToolbarLibraryFolderIcon.icns"
set alertNoteIcon to a reference to file "Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:CoreTypes.bundle:Contents:Resources:AlertNoteIcon.icns"
set unsupportedIcon to a reference to file "Macintosh HD:System:Library:CoreServices:CoreTypes.bundle:Contents:Resources:Unsupported.icns"
-- Amendments
set my LastCommandIndex to 1
set commandMenu to {"Load in Editor", "Reveal in Finder", "Create Load Statmenent"}
end if
set currentApp to getFrontApp() as list
set done to false
set changedMind to true
set firstEntry to true
repeat while changedMind is true
if changedMind is true and firstEntry is true then
set changedMind to false -- so we can get out of here again.
end if
repeat while done is false -- DONE IS BAADER THAN changedMind
-- the test which is implemented here is or should not be necessary but still is in a real world.
-- it should be done the every time the path is changed.
-- we test if the path still exists, if it does then every thing is fine.
activePath's getPrevPath() as alias
on error
-- could have traveled on step above here and will do.
activePath's setPrevPath(activePath's getInitialPath())
-- a restore to or resetToInitialPath() is much smoother.
activePath's getPrevPath() as alias
on error
-- the whole librarypath is gone, do you wish to edit the script?
tell me
display alert (my script_title & ": the path of " & (item ActiveLibIndex of LibraryTitles) & " doesn't exist. Loads script")
end tell
if AsEditors contains currentApp then
tell application (currentApp as text) to open (path to me as text)
tell application "Finder" to open (path to me as text)
end if
return -- no reason to save any properties now!
end try
end try
-- if it is not , then we "fall back to the initial path silently, and if that doesn't exist then we must
-- alert the user, the user will then be given the ability to edit the script within the current editor if any.
-- Sound changes, I basically tried to use sound to make it kind of rewarding, - well those sounds were a failiure,
-- I have tried to change that by issuing a lesser number of sounds, and a different sound, I have changed that to
-- more happy system sound..
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Finder"
set theScriptLibrary to choose file with prompt (script_title & " : choose Library, Snippet or Clippings file to Open in The Editor, Reveal in Finder, or Create a Load statement onto the Clipboard for.
Available shortcuts for bypassing next action menu:
Press CMD key while selecting to just OPEN the file.
Press CONTROL key while selecting to REVEAL File in Finder.
CONTROL cmd to make LOAD Statement for the Library.") default location (activePath's getPrevPath()) as alias
-- my pop()
-- display dialog "Path to parent folder er : " & activePath's getPathToParentFolder(theScriptLibrary as text)
activePath's updatePrevPath(theScriptLibrary as text)
-- display dialog "Prev path er nå : " & activePath's getPrevPath()
-- display dialog "Smart path's prev path er nå " & my smartPathParadigm's prevPath
set done to true
exit repeat -- Exits the choice of library location and file from here
on error e number n
my morse()
-- FALL BACK PATTERN ??? -- should only be invoked if the same library are chosen the next time.
-- display dialog e & " : " & n
-- We just "falls through" (falls back) to the next menu if user cancels choose file.
end try
end tell
end tell
tell me
set prevLibIndex to (my ActiveLibIndex)
set theResult to choose from list my LibraryTitles default items (item (my ActiveLibIndex) of my LibraryTitles) with title "Choose the active libraryPath" OK button name Ok_loc cancel button name Cancel_loc
end tell
if theResult is not false then
pop() -- skal gjøre et filvalg
-- FALL BACK PATTERN: spesielt her fordi vi trenger å sjekke om forrige lib-index er den samme som den neste.
-- Ett vellykket filvalg stanser fall back pattern, da setter vi forrige index lik denne index.
-- hva vi gjør når vi igjen går tilbake er litt uvisst, jeg har
-- hvis counteren som var 0 nå er 1 så bytter vi, (kanskje til parent )
-- dette avhenger jo av om vi har noe å gå på når det gjelder forskjell på path lengde.
-- hvis parent så kan vi bytte dist nr med foldere tilbake, når vi treffer counter er det stopp.
set my ActiveLibIndex to my IndexOfItem(theResult as text, LibraryTitles)
if prevLibIndex is equal to ActiveLibIndex then
-- et clou her er at vi ikke fikk noe path i forrige omgang siden vi ikke åpnet noen fil
if activePath's getPrevPath() is not activePath's getInitialPath() then
tell activePath to setPrevPath(getPathToParentFolder(getPrevPath()))
-- activePath's setPrevPath(activePath's getPathToParentFolder(activePath's getPrevPath()))
end if
end if
set my activePath to a reference to item (my ActiveLibIndex) of my LibraryPaths
Tar alltid vare på forrige library path, som er activeLibIndex,
har en verdi hvis vi defaulter på en eller annen måte.
exit repeat -- Reenters the outer loop and chooses a file from that location.
set ctrContinueAskFromChooseLibrary to ctrContinueAskFromChooseLibrary + 1
if ctrContinueAskFromChooseLibrary < 2 then
tell me
display dialog "" & my Continue_loc & "?" with title my script_title with icon my questionMark
exit repeat
on error
withDraw(currentApp as text)
end try
end tell
withDraw(currentApp as text) -- we die directly upon question for the second time.
end if
end if
end repeat
-- we do a "realm check" here and only updates the prev path, if current path
-- is within the realm. This also controls wether there will be generated an appleMods
-- of course it does.
set libraryBaseName to txtHfsBaseName(theScriptLibrary as text)
set blnIsWithinRealm to my activePath's withinRealm(theScriptLibrary as text)
-- this tells us if the user has surpassed the inital realm of the library path.
-- this indirectly controls wheter there will be generated a load statement or not.
if blnIsWithinRealm is true then my activePath's updatePrevPath(theScriptLibrary as text) -- saves the path for next time
if changedMind is false then -- some variables to define the logic here. only sets them the first time
-- sets these statements to their initial values, they are later to be changed. internally.
set willOpenTheFileOnly to false
set willRevalInFolder to false
set willMakeLoadStatement to false
end if
-- The logic of this script is rather strange as we look for commands first
-- then looks for the commands to execute, but this implemented as an event loop
-- and this has so far led to the least complex solution.
-- The solution will necessarily be complex, when a high degree of user interaction is feasible.
-- sets the state accordingly
-- ** tests for state
set intkeyPress to do shell script "/usr/local/opt/getModKey"
set intkeyPress to intkeyPress as integer
if ((intkeyPress is equal to 4352) or willMakeLoadStatement is true) then -- ctrl cmd is pressed
if changedMind is true then set changedMind to false -- because we want to exit the outer loop when we are done
if my ActiveLibIndex ≤ my LastRealLibraryIndex and blnIsWithinRealm is true then -- only creates load statements from library paths.
set doneWithLoadStatement to false
repeat while doneWithLoadStatement is false
tell me
display dialog "Enter a name for property you want the script object : " & libraryBaseName & " to be loaded into" default answer "" with title my script_title with icon libraryIcon
set my scriptObjectName to text returned of result
on error
set my scriptObjectName to ""
end try
end tell
if not my scriptObjectName is "" then
set doneWithLoadStatement to true
exit repeat
set ctrContinueAskFromCreateLoadStatement to ctrContinueAskFromCreateLoadStatement + 1
if ctrContinueAskFromCreateLoadStatement < 2 then
tell me
set theRes to display dialog "" & my Continue_loc & "?" with title my script_title with icon my questionMark buttons {"Other Action", Cancel_loc, Continue_loc} cancel button 2 default button 1
set uChoice to button returned of theRes
if uChoice is "Other Action" then
set changedMind to true
set willMakeLoadStatement to false
set doneWithLoadStatement to true
exit repeat
-- falls through and redisplays the commands
end if
exit repeat
on error
withDraw(currentApp as text)
end try
end tell
withDraw(currentApp as text) -- we die directly upon question for the second time. -- we die directly rather than new question for the second time. **
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
if changedMind is false then
-- time to construct the load script object handler
-- must figure if we shall create an APPLEmods load statement or an usual load statement.
if (item (my ActiveLibIndex) of AppleModsCompatible) is true and libraryBaseName is "Library.scpt" then -- create for AppleMods
-- must get the parent folder of the file we want to load.
set actualLibraryName to getTextItemOfHFS(theScriptLibrary as text, -2)
-- should add a check for the name of the file, should be library.
-- preliminary check if the filename is correct.
set the incantation to "property _Loader : run application \"LoaderServer\"
set the incantation to the incantation & "property " & scriptObjectName & " : missing value
on __load__(loader)
set my " & scriptObjectName & " to loader's loadLib(\"" & actualLibraryName & " \")
end __load__"
if (item (my ActiveLibIndex) of AppleModsCompatible) is true then
display dialog "I only generate AppleMods loader statements for \"Library.scpt\" files.
I will however create a \"normal\" loader statement for the library you choosed." with title script_title with icon unsupportedIcon buttons {Ok_loc}
-- do shell script "/usr/bin/afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Basso.aiff"
end if
set the incantation to "property " & scriptObjectName & " : ( load script alias \"" & theScriptLibrary & "\")"
end if
set the clipboard to the incantation
tell me
display dialog "All done
You can get your loader statement from the clipboard!" giving up after 1 with title script_title with icon alertNoteIcon buttons {Ok_loc}
end tell
tell application ("" & currentApp) to activate
end if
else -- Couldn't make load statement, loads the file
-- subroutine
if AsEditors contains currentApp then
tell application (currentApp as text)
open theScriptLibrary
tell its window 1 to activate
end tell
tell application "Finder" to open theScriptLibrary -- her kommer det noe mere!
end if
end if
exit repeat -- changedMind
-- ** State changed
if ((intkeyPress is equal to 256) or willOpenTheFileOnly is true) then -- cmd were pressed
if changedMind is true then set changedMind to false -- because we want to exit the outer loop when we are done
if AsEditors contains currentApp then
tell application (currentApp as text)
open theScriptLibrary
tell its window 1 to activate
end tell
tell application "Finder" to open theScriptLibrary
end if
exit repeat -- changedMind
end if
-- ** state changed
if ((intkeyPress is equal to 4096) or willRevalInFolder is true) then -- control were pressed
if changedMind is true then set changedMind to false -- because we want to exit the outer loop when we are done
tell application "Finder"
reveal theScriptLibrary
on error e number n
display dialog e & " : " & n
end try
end tell
exit repeat -- changedMind
end if
repeat -- parsing commands
if changedMind is true then set changedMind to false
tell me
if my ActiveLibIndex ≤ my LastRealLibraryIndex then -- only creates load statements from library paths.
set theResult to choose from list my commandMenu default items (item (my LastCommandIndex) of (my commandMenu)) with title (script_title & " - Current File " & libraryBaseName) OK button name Ok_loc cancel button name Cancel_loc
if my LastCommandIndex > my LastRealLibraryIndex then set my LastCommandIndex to 1
set theResult to choose from list items 1 thru (my LastRealLibraryIndex) of my commandMenu default items (item (my LastCommandIndex) of (my commandMenu)) with title (script_title & " - Current File " & libraryBaseName) OK button name Ok_loc cancel button name Cancel_loc
end if
end tell
if theResult is not false then
set my LastCommandIndex to my IndexOfItem(theResult as text, my commandMenu)
if LastCommandIndex is 1 then
set willOpenTheFileOnly to true
else if LastCommandIndex is 2 then
set willRevalInFolder to true
set willMakeLoadStatement to true
end if
exit repeat
set ctrContinueAskFromChooseCommand to ctrContinueAskFromChooseCommand + 1
if ctrContinueAskFromChooseCommand < 2 then
tell me
set theRes to display dialog "" & my Continue_loc & "?" with title my script_title with icon my questionMark buttons {"Re Elect file", Cancel_loc, Continue_loc} cancel button 2 default button 1
set uChoice to button returned of theRes
if uChoice is "Re elect file" then
set changedMind to true
exit repeat
-- falls through and redisplays the commands
end if
on error e number n
withDraw(currentApp as text) -- user hit cancel so we die.
end try
end tell
withDraw(currentApp as text) -- we die directly upon question for the second time.
end if
end if
end repeat -- parsing commands.
if changedMind is true then
set done to false
exit repeat
end if
end repeat -- executing commands.
end repeat -- changed mind
return "0"
end run
on withDraw(theCurrentApp)
tell application (theCurrentApp as text)
tell me to error number -128
end tell
end withDraw
on checkForValidOsVersion()
local Major
set Major to ((system attribute "sysv") mod 256 div 16) -- Thanks again to Nigel Garvey
if Major < 4 then
tell me
display alert "Versions of Mac Os X earlier than 10.4.0 is unsupported: your version is 10." & Major & "xx"
error number -128
end tell
end if
end checkForValidOsVersion
on getFrontApp()
-- macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=22375 Regulus6633 /Nigel Garvey
set colon to ":" as Unicode text
set dot to "." as Unicode text
set appPath to (path to frontmost application as Unicode text)
considering case
if (appPath ends with colon) then
set n to -2
set n to -1
end if
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to colon
set appname to text item n of appPath
if (appname contains dot) then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to dot
set appname to text 1 thru text item -2 of appname
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
end considering
return appname
end getFrontApp
on IndexOfItem(theItem, theList) -- credit to Emmanuel Levy but I modified it with the considering case statements
considering case
set text item delimiters to return
set theList to return & theList & return
set text item delimiters to {""}
-1 + (count (paragraphs of (text 1 thru (offset of (return & theItem & return) in theList) of theList)))
on error
end try
end considering
end IndexOfItem
on getTextItemOfHFS(theText, theItemNUmber)
local theTids
set theTids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {":"}
if theItemNUmber ≤ (count of text items of theText) then
set theText to text item theItemNUmber of theText
set theText to theText as text
set theText to ""
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theTids
return theText
end getTextItemOfHFS
on txtHfsBaseName(hfsFileNameAsText)
local tedim, hfsbasename
set tedim to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to ":"
set hfsbasename to text item -1 of hfsFileNameAsText as text
set text item delimiters to tedim
return hfsbasename
end txtHfsBaseName
on txtHfsParentPath(hfsFileNameAsText)
local tedim, hfsParentPath
set tedim to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to ":"
set hfsParentPath to text items 1 thru -2 of hfsFileNameAsText as text
set text item delimiters to tedim
return hfsParentPath
end txtHfsParentPath
on pop()
ignoring application responses
tell application "SoundServer" to pop(50)
end ignoring
end pop
on ping()
ignoring application responses
tell application "SoundServer" to ping(50)
end ignoring
end ping
on basso()
ignoring application responses
tell application "SoundServer" to basso(50)
end ignoring
end basso
on morse()
ignoring application responses
tell application "SoundServer" to morse(50)
end ignoring
end morse
-- See macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?pid=129895#p129895 For Documentation
-- © McUsr 2010 and put in the public domain.
script smartPathParadigm
property McUsr : "1.0"
property initialPath : ""
property prevPath : ""
-- maybe remake the object model a little as well.
on makeSmartPath(hfsInitialPathAsText)
script o
property parent : smartPathParadigm
property initialPath : "" & hfsInitialPathAsText -- doesn't harm
property prevPath : ""
end script
end makeSmartPath
on getInitialPath()
-- gets the initial path from the last initialization
my initialPath
end getInitialPath
on getPrevPath()
-- gets the previous path. - there is no current.
if my prevPath is "" then
my initialPath
my prevPath
end if
end getPrevPath
on updatePrevPath(hfsReturnedPathAsText)
-- sets the previous path to this parent folder of the path delivered.
local newPath
-- set hfsReturnedPathAsText to "" & hfsReturnedPathAsText
set newPath to smartPathParadigm's getPathToParentFolder(hfsReturnedPathAsText)
if my prevPath is not newPath then
set my prevPath to newPath
end if
end updatePrevPath
on withinRealm(hfsFilePathAsText)
-- check to see if a path is in within the realm of the initial path.
-- set hfsFilePathAsText to "" & hfsFilePathAsText
if hfsFilePathAsText contains my initialPath then
return true
return false
end if
end withinRealm
on setPrevPath(hfsNewPrevPathAsText)
-- sets a path literally
-- set hfsNewPrevPathAsText to "" & hfsNewPrevPathAsText -- doesn't harm
set my prevPath to hfsNewPrevPathAsText
end setPrevPath
on initiateSmartPath(scoForPath, hfsIntialPathAsText)
-- constructor which allows reuse.
script o
property pathobj : scoForPath
end script
-- set hfsIntialPathAsText to "" & hfsIntialPathAsText
if scoForPath is {} then
set o's pathobj to smartPathParadigm's makeSmartPath(hfsIntialPathAsText)
set o's pathobj's initialPath to hfsIntialPathAsText
set o's pathobj's prevPath to ""
end if
o's pathobj
end initiateSmartPath
on getPathToParentFolder(hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText)
-- return sparehtn folder.
local tids, theFile
--set hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText to "" & hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText -- doesn't harm.
set tids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
if character (length of hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText) of hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText is ":" then
set hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText to text items 1 thru -3 of hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText
set hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText to text items 1 thru -2 of hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText
end if
set hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText to "" & hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText -- necessary here.
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
return hfsFileOrFolderPathAsText
end getPathToParentFolder
end script
The Sound Server (SoundServer.App)
Takes care of sound management in order to save cycles in the script, without rendering the script without a sound lest the chime or beep.
Save this in an Application folder as an stay open application.
It uses 0% cpu on my machine, and 13.Mb of virtiual memory (real mem) and 2 threads, it is not that resource hog.
It has an idle handler that kicks in every 24 hours, you shouldn’t notice if it were there even if you have only 0,5 GB of memory.
Use Dock Dogder to make it an invisible app when you saved it in your applications folder. Dock Dodger can be downloaded from here.
on pop(intNewVolume)
local originalOutput, originalMuted
set {output volume:originalOutput, output muted:originalMuted} to (get volume settings)
set volume output volume intNewVolume without output muted
do shell script "/usr/bin/afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Pop.aiff"
set volume output volume originalOutput output muted originalMuted
end pop
on morse(intNewVolume)
local originalOutput, originalMuted
set {output volume:originalOutput, output muted:originalMuted} to (get volume settings)
set volume output volume 20 without output muted
do shell script "/usr/bin/afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Morse.aiff"
set volume output volume originalOutput output muted originalMuted
end morse
on ping(intNewVolume)
local originalOutput, originalMuted
set {output volume:originalOutput, output muted:originalMuted} to (get volume settings)
set volume output volume intNewVolume without output muted
do shell script "/usr/bin/afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Ping.aiff"
set volume output volume originalOutput output muted originalMuted
end ping
on basso(intNewVolume)
local originalOutput, originalMuted
set {output volume:originalOutput, output muted:originalMuted} to (get volume settings)
set volume output volume intNewVolume without output muted
do shell script "/usr/bin/afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Basso.aiff"
set volume output volume originalOutput output muted originalMuted
end basso
-- runs periodically the time intervals it returns.
-- called as soon as the run handler has finished
-- What happens if an applet is just launched with its idle handler?
on idle
return 86400
end idle
-- this routine is provided for centralized cleanup like setting back AppleScript's text item delimiters.
on quit
-- error number -128 -- comment this wen saved as a stay open handler
-- uncomment line below when saved as a stay open applet.
continue quit
end quit