Scripting Attach folder action

: It might. I don’t have FAP, and your script works fine on my Mac.
: --tet
I disabled FAP and am still getting the error.
“Folder Actions got an error: Can’t make some data into the expected type”
This should work, can’t find any info on this error anywhere.
So this script works on your Mac?? What version of AS and what OS are you running. Thanks for your help

: So this script works on your Mac?? What version of AS and what OS
: are you running. Thanks for your help
Right now, I’m running OS 9.2 and AS 1.6 (which is supposed to be problematic.)

: Syntax looks good, but when the script runs I get this error

: “Folder Actions got an error: Can’t make some data into the
: expected type.”

I get that error if I break the middle line as it appears in your posting. Is that what you’ve done? It should be:

tell application "Folder Actions"
    attach action to alias "Macintosh HD:test folder:" using alias "Macintosh HD:System Folder:Scripts:Folder Action Scripts:test script"
  end tell

Or use the line continuation character (Option-"L" or Option-return) if you want to break the line for legibility:

  tell application "Folder Actions"
    attach action to alias "Macintosh HD:test folder:" using ¬
      alias "Macintosh HD:System Folder:Scripts:Folder Action Scripts:test script"
  end tell