I have toolbar scripts which set the size, view and postition of a Finder window. Does anyone know how to script the size of columns in column view. Any help would be appreciated.
They’re not directly scriptable. You could try GUI scripting them but that seems like so much more work than it’s worth and I’m not even sure it would work (you’d have to script a click and drag on the column widgets per window). Finder scripting in Mac OS X still leaves a lot to be desired…
You sure about that, Jonn?
[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]
The trick is that they’re not stored directly with the WINDOW, but in the ‘list view options’ of that window. Within the ‘list view options’ are a number of columns which you can manipulate.
oops, never mind. I just noticed the ‘column view’, not ‘list view’ part.
For some reason my brain didn’t read whay my eyes were seeing.
Need more coffee…
Yes I am.