Scripting the unscriptable... do I need Automator?

Hi guys,

I’m trying to script an installer for some 3rd-party software (Intuit’s Track-It! Mac Audit, if you’re interested) but I’m not having much success. When I drag the installer onto the script editor, I get a message saying there’s no dictionary found; and that I can’t script the app.

So, what can I do? I have two simple needs: first, to click the “OK” button on the App’s splash screen; and second to enter an Admin’s username & password. Because we use Open Directory here, I can ‘create’ a one-off username to install the software; so I don’t have to worry about security.

Any thoughts guys? I’m a good shell-scripter but I can’t interface to a UI like this…



You may need UI Scripting (search for the forum these keywords). This is pseudo-code:

launch "path:to:installer"
tell app "installer" to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell process "installer"
	repeat while not (exists window 1)
		delay 1
	end repeat
	keystroke return
	repeat while not (exists window "Autenticate, please")
		delay 1
	end repeat
	keystroke "username" & tab & "password" & return
end tell