Being a Mac developer who enables Applescripting in his own apps, I am a fan of Sdef Editor. Sadly, it’s quite aged and has some issues with recent macOS systems.
Does someone know of an alternative or a 3rd party who’d taken on updating the app?
Also, do I see this right - there is no forum section for us App developers where we could discuss implementation of scriptability, or is there? I guess Stackoverflow is the only resource for that (other than the hard-to-use Apple dev forum)?
Maybe it’s a bit rude but I think you should have enough experience to build your own Sdef application.
Look years ago I came at a point with Script editor where it’s poor features tired me. There are a lot more powerful editors around, Script editor is really old baked. So I made my hands dirty and build a powerful assistant application to feel happy again with coding.
Nowadays I couldn’t code anymore without iScripts which improved a lot meanwhile. See my signature if you’re interested to check out my (older) code. But you need something else.
I think you can build something great with Swift.