Search-Replace Text

OK. This is a very basic routine. I’ll include it here, since many people doesn’t know about its existence.
As a little add-on, this routine supports also lists of search/replace terms.

For more powerful operations (eg, regular expressions, lots of MB of text to search-in, etc.), take a look to the Satimage osax or any shell utility (grep, etc.).

OS version: Any

searchReplaceText(searchTerm, replaceTerm, theText)
Replaces a string found in a text by another string.
This handle supports lists of search/replace terms.

searchTerm: the text to search for
replaceTerm: the text to use as replacement
theText: the text to search/replace

searchReplaceText("foo", "bar", "You are a foo") --> "You are a bar"
searchReplaceText({"foo", " a "}, {"bar", " one "}, "You are a foo") --> "You are one bar"

to searchReplaceText(searchTerm, replaceTerm, theText)
	set searchTerm to searchTerm as list
	set replaceTerm to replaceTerm as list
	set theText to theText as text
	set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	repeat with i from 1 to count searchTerm
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to searchTerm's item i
		set theText to theText's text items
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceTerm's item i
		set theText to theText as text
	end repeat
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTID
	return theText
end searchReplaceText