secure folderstructure


is there a way in Applescript to make a folderstructure (1 root folder with several subfolders and subsubfolders) with the following security?

administrator has full acces
operators can put files in the folders, delete files, can’t rename the folders nor subfolders and they are unable to delete the rootfolder.

example of a folderstructure:

xxxxxxx name
xxxxxxx name/map1
xxxxxxx name/map1/submap1
xxxxxxx name/map1/submap2
xxxxxxx name/map1/submap3
xxxxxxx name/map2
xxxxxxx name/map2/submap1
xxxxxxx name/map2/submap2
and so on…

the map with name “xxxxxx name” may never be deleted by the operator. Only the administrator can do that.

This request is because native Apple security is not suitable :frowning:

Who has the same issue?



I haven’t tried this, but I assume you mean that you can’t make the owner of the folders Admin, and the owners of the files in them Anybody?

you might be able to do something like this with ACL’s.

I’m sorry but the “standard” security settings on a mac are satisfying enough. So, giving admin rights to some folders and users rights for the operators is not working as the standard settings does not allow you to enable or disable the delete function. Indeed ACL’s can be an option, but we also tried that and that didn’ work out either. :frowning:

Maybe somebody knows a software? Maybe Filemaker can help? I don’t know but we really need a secured folderstructure as we recently had problems when operators deleted files per accident. The backup we make is only once per day, and the sync we have is once per half an hour. So, all data was lost.

Any further ideas?



In your “tree”, the submap folders are the “leaves”.


Is it accepable that a user can only interact with files in “C” folders? If so, then the admin will create all of the folders (A, B, C) and make the A & B folders read-only. The C folders will have write permission for all. Doesn’t this do what you want? Since the user doesn’t have permission to write to a B folder, he cannot alter its contents, and that includes the C folders, but not their contents. The problem for you is that only you can add a leaf, so users wanting a new folder will have to ask for it.