Send email depending on content

I have the following script for sending an email depending on the sender:

set myReply to "Override"

set theSender to "My Team <>"

tell application "Mail"
    set theSelection to selection
    if theSelection is {} then return
    set myList to {}
    repeat with thisMessage in theSelection
        if (extract address from sender of thisMessage) is "" then
            set theOutgoingMessage to reply thisMessage with properties {visible:true, sender:theSender}
            delay 1
            tell application "System Events"
                keystroke myReply
                delay 1
            end tell
            send theOutgoingMessage
            delay 1
            set myList to myList
            delay 1
        end if
    end repeat
end tell

The email that is being received always has this format:

Current Number of Tokens: 100

I detected the following issues with x's account:
- Adding 50 tokens would put the user above 100 tokens

How can I send the email ONLY IF “Current Number of Tokens: number” has a number <=50? And otherwise send another email saying “Sorry. You’ve exceeded the number of tokens”?

But the firstParagraph is something I receive from the incoming message. It has the format “Current Number of Tokens: [some number]” not necessarily always 100. It could be 87 for example. Would this still work?