I would like to have a given window to float on top of the others (something X on Linux allows you out of the box for every single window). I searched the forum but found only partial answers.
I tried this:
tell application "Dictionary"
set the level of window "Dictionary and Thesaurus" to 1
end tell
end try
But it does not do the job. Any ideas?
Is it in fact possible to set a window property of any running app through Applescript?
Is there a specific app you were interested in? I’m assuming you were just using Dictonary as an example. Finder’s Window class has a Floating property.
the Dictionary was indeed an example. I needed in first place to set this property for OmniOutliner Pro. Since I checked in the doc (found on this site, btw ) there seems to be no such property for this application.
But it does’nt work either for the Dictionary, which would have been quite useful too. I tried this:
tell application "Dictionary"
set the floating of window 1 to true
end tell
end try
but maybe I am wrong. Is is my first steps with AppleScript.
But isn’t there a way to tell every single window to float on the others? (I found a third party app (Application Enhancer + Window Shade) that does the job and more but I would like to be able to control windows in scripts.).