Set creation date in file->info in Photoshop 7

I have written a script that fills in the file info fields in Photoshop 7. It works great, but one that I just can’t seem to figure out is how to assign anything to the creation date field. (That’s what the Photoshop dictionary calls it - and it’s string).

I can get the date:

set theDate to (current date)

My problem is, how do I strip it down to the proper form? When I hit the today button in that dialog, the result looks like this: 05/21/03

But I’ve tried everything I can think of. No error messages, but the date field never fills in. All the other fields I’ve tried fill in just fine. Here’s my script (minus the stuff that works):

tell application “Adobe Photoshop 7.0”

--for testing, create a new document
set newDocument to make new document with properties ¬
	{width:inches 8, height:inches 10}

--Identify the document as docInfoRef
set docInfoRef to info of current document
set theDate to (current date)
set themonth to items 1 thru 3 of ((month of theDate) as string) as string -- "Jan" 
--How do I get from "Jan" to "01"?

set theday to day of theDate as string -- "17" 
set theyear to items 3 thru 4 of ((year of theDate) as string) as string -- "03" 
set finalDate to themonth & "/" & theday & "/" & theyear as text

return finalDate

set creation date of docInfoRef to finalDate

end tell
