I have a strange problem. I am writing this program to copy files. This program uses rsync and NSTask (to monitor progress).
But that is not my question.
In the popup/popdown window you can see the text “Working…”
This text is a variable it can display the texts “Building file list…”, “Working”, and soon it wil display the current copying file" Ofcourse this label is connected to a code.
Sometimes I get this error: “Variable Progressmessage is not defined”
so i added this code:
if ProgressMessage is "" then
set ProgressMessage to "Working..."
to this code:
StatusBarText's setStringValue_(ProgressMessage as text)
--currentTask's resume(yes)
aNotification's object()'s readInBackgroundAndNotify()
But i am still getting the error message…
Since rsync continues to work all the files get copied (since it is another thread). But the application is suspended due to this error.
P.s. I blurred out 2 parts of the image because it contains user-information.
Model: Macbook4.1
AppleScript: 10.7.3
Browser: Safari 536.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)
the first time you use ProgressMessage? If so, your variable is not defined, so you can’t perform a test on it. Try to add set ProgressMessage to “” or property ProgressMessage : “” before the test.
It’s a little hard to tell what’s going on here without more context, but I don’t think the use of “my” here will make any difference, since he’s not using bindings (as far as I can tell). Xpresso calls ProgressMessage a variable – is it, or is it a property? Where is it defined, relative to the code you are showing?
I do not feel that is so valuable to not post it, it only is a little long. SInce you seem a little angry, i’ll post it anyway:
-- AppDelegate.applescript
-- SynC2USB
-- Created by Rediwed on 10/13/11.
-- This program is not reserved by any rights.
-- but please dont copy my work without asking me about it.
-- This synchronisation tool is built by Rediwed.
property NSNotificationCenter : class "NSNotificationCenter"
property NSPipe : class "NSPipe"
property NSTask : class "NSTask"
property NSString : class "NSString"
script AppDelegate
---- Begin declaring objects ----
property parent : class "NSObject"
property NSImage : class "NSImage"
property SourcePathLabel : missing value
property OnChangeSourceInput : missing value
property DestinationPathLabel : missing value
property OnChangeDestinationInput : missing value
property VersionNumber : missing value
property openWindow : missing value
property Workingmessage : missing value
property Onsync : missing value
property OnSettings : missing value
property StatusBar : missing value
property StatusBarText : missing value
property syncPanel : missing value
property ProgressBar : missing value
property ConfrimresetWindow : missing value
property setsourcepathusingprompt :missing value
property continueReset : missing value
property CancelReset : missing value
property rundebugmode : "0"
property sourcefolder :missing value
property OnResetInput :missing value
property destfolder :missing value
property debugmodebox : missing value
property sArchive : missing value
property sHL : missing value
property sGroup : missing value
property sPermissions : missing value
property sTimes : missing value
property sUpdate : missing value
property settingspanel : missing value
property SaveSettings : missing value
property rssettings : missing value
property rssettingstemp : missing value
property CustomMode : missing value
property StandardMode : missing value
property SettingsMode : missing value
property EnableSettings : missing value
property rssettingsenabled : missing value
property rssettingsenabledtemp : missing value
property UseStandardSettings : missing value
property Mode : missing value
property CustomModeField : missing value
property PrepSettingsSheet : missing value
property sourcepath : missing value
property destpath : missing value
property rsstandardsettings : missing value
property rsyncpathdest : missing value
property rsyncpathsource : missing value
property newstring1 : missing value
property ProgressMessage : missing value
property destpathold : missing value
property sourcefolderold : missing value
---- End declaring objects ----
---- Begin launch routines (before rendering window's) ----
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
OnResetInput's setEnabled_(false)
set apptitle to "I2USB"
set syncnow to "Now syncing.."
VersionNumber's setStringValue_("Version: " & "1.0 (Beta)")
DestinationPathLabel's setStringValue_(Workingmessage as text)
SourcePathLabel's setStringvalue_(Workingmessage as text)
OnChangeDestinationInput's setTitle_("Destination")
OnChangeSourceInput's setTitle_("Source")
--Onsync's setTitle_("Synchronize")
OnSettings's setTitle_("Advanced")
debugmodebox's setState_(0)
set rssettingsenabled to (do shell script "defaults read com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettingsenabled")
if rssettingsenabled = "missing value" then
debugmode_("rssettingsenabled doesnt contain any value, Setting value '0'")
set rssettingsenabled to "0"
do shell script "defaults write com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettingsenabled 0"
debugmode_("value of rssettingsenabbled should be set")
set rssettings to (do shell script "defaults read com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettings")
set rssettingstemp to (do shell script "defaults read com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettings")
if rssettingsenabled = "1" then
set rssettings to (do shell script "defaults read com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettings")
CustomModeField's setStringValue_(rssettings)
on Error
do shell script "defaults write com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettings -a"
set rssettings to (do shell script "defaults read com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettings")
CustomModeField's setStringValue_(rssettings)
sGroup's setState_(0)
sHL's setState_(0)
sPermissions's setState_(0)
sTimes's setState_(0)
sUpdate's setState_(0)
sArchive's setState_(0)
set UseStandardSettings to "1"
EnableSettings's setState_(0)
sArchive's setEnabled_(false)
sGroup's setEnabled_(false)
sHL's setEnabled_(false)
sPermissions's setEnabled_(false)
sTimes's setEnabled_(false)
sUpdate's setEnabled_(false)
sArchive's setEnabled_(false)
--CustomModeField's setEnabled_(false)
sGroup's setState_(0)
sHL's setState_(0)
sPermissions's setState_(0)
sTimes's setState_(0)
sUpdate's setState_(0)
sArchive's setState_(1)
set Mode to "0"
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
---- End launch routines ----
---- Begin checking plist for source and dest folder, on error prompt to set new ones ----
on checkdestpath_()
debugmode_("Trying to read destination folder")
set destfolder to (do shell script "defaults read com.dpe.sync2usbengine destfolder" as text)
debugmode_("Trying to set DestinationPathLabel")
DestinationPathLabel's setStringValue_(destfolder)
debugmode_("Succesfully set DestinationPathLabel")
on error
debugmode_("Error on setting DestinationPathLabel, .plist probably doesnt contain information")
debugmode_("Running setdestpathusingprompt")
end try
end checkdestpath_
on checksourcepath_()
set SourcePath to (do shell script "defaults read com.dpe.sync2usbengine sourcefolder" as text)
SourcePathLabel's setStringValue_(SourcePath)
on Error
end try
end checksourcepath_
---- Begin checking plist for source and dest folder ----
---- Begin set label's of dest and source ----
on setdestpathusingprompt_()
debugmode_("Choose Destination folder")
set destpath to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the destination folder.") as text
debugmode_("Trying to save destination folder " & destpath)
do shell script "defaults write com.dpe.sync2usbengine destfolder " & destpath
debugmode_("Succesfully saved destination folder")
debugmode_("Running checkdestpath")
end setdestpathusingprompt_
on setsourcepathusingprompt_()
set sourcefolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the source folder.") as text
do shell script "defaults write com.dpe.sync2usbengine sourcefolder " & sourcefolder
end setsourcepathusingprompt_
---- End set label's of dest and source ----
---- Begin Actions received from xib ----
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
return current application's NSTerminateNow
end applicationShouldTerminate_
on debugmodebox_(sender)
log "Subroutine: Debugmodebox"
set debugmodeboxState to debugmodebox's state() as text
if debugmodeboxState is "1" then
set rundebugmode to "1"
log "Debug mode's state is: " & rundebugmode
set rundebugmode to "0"
log "Debug mode's state is: " & rundebugmode
end debugmodebox_
(*on CustomMode_(sender)
set Mode to "1"
sArchive's setEnabled_(false)
sGroup's setEnabled_(false)
sHL's setEnabled_(false)
sPermissions's setEnabled_(false)
sTimes's setEnabled_(false)
sUpdate's setEnabled_(false)
sArchive's setEnabled_(false)
if EnableSettings's state() as text ="1"
CustomModeField's setEnabled_(true)
end CustomMode_*)
(*on StandardMode_(sender)
if EnableSettings's state() as text = "1" then
set Mode to "0"
sArchive's setEnabled_(true)
sGroup's setEnabled_(true)
sHL's setEnabled_(true)
sPermissions's setEnabled_(true)
sTimes's setEnabled_(true)
sUpdate's setEnabled_(true)
sArchive's setEnabled_(true)
CustomModeField's setEnabled_(false)
debugmode_("Not enabled Standard Mode")
end StandardMode_*)
on OnSettings_(sender)
debugmode_("On settings routine")
if sender = EnableSettings() then
debugmode_("Prepare sheet and dont open sheet")
debugmode_("Prepare sheet and open sheet")
current application's NSApp's beginSheet_modalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_(settingspanel, openWindow, me, settingspanel, missing value)
end OnSettings_
on OnChangeDestinationInput_(sender)
set destpathold to destpath
set destpath to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the destination folder.") as text
if destpath contains " " then
set destpath to destpathold
do shell script "defaults write com.dpe.sync2usbengine destfolder " & destpath
end OnChangeDestinationInput_
on OnChangeSourceInput_(sender)
set sourcefolderold to sourcefolder
set sourcefolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the source folder.") as text
if sourcefolder contains " " then
set destpath to destpathold
set sourcefolder to sourcefolderold
do shell script "defaults write com.dpe.sync2usbengine sourcefolder " & sourcefolder
end OnChangeSourceInput_
on SaveSettings_(sender)
debugmode_("Save settings subroutine")
set rssettings to rssettingstemp
if rssettings = "" then
do shell script "defaults delete com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettings"
do shell script "defaults write com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettings " & rssettings
debugmode_("Saved " & rssettings)
on error
debugmode_("Settings unchanged")
set rssettingsenabled to rssettingsenabledtemp as text
do shell script "defaults write com.dpe.sync2usbengine rssettingsenabled " & rssettingsenabled
on error
debugmode_("Settings enabled unchanged")
settingspanel's orderOut_(me)
current application's NSApp's endSheet_(settingspanel)
debugmode_("Settings should be saved")
---- Begin sync SUBroutine('s) ----
on onsync_(sender)
debugmode_("Start Syncing to " & sourcefolder)
debugmode_("Opening and preparing panel")
ProgressBar's startAnimation_(me)
set sourcefolderm to SaR(sourcePath, ":", "/")
set destfolderm to SaR(destfolder, ":", "/")
--display dialog destfolderm
tell application "Finder"
set bootDisk to (get name of startup disk) as text
end tell
if rssettingsenabled = "0" then
set rssettings to "a"
set rsyncpaths to "/volumes/" & sourcefolderm & " /volumes/" & destfolderm
do shell script " rsync -" & rssettings & rsyncpaths
on error ern
log ern
set sourcefolderm to SaR(sourcePath, ":", "/")
set destfolderm to SaR(destfolder, ":", "/")
set rsyncpathsource to ("/volumes/" & sourcefolderm as text)
set rsyncpathdest to ("/volumes/" & destfolderm as text)
set rsstandardsettings to ("--progress")
set arraylist to {ref rssettings, ref rsstandardsettings, ref rsyncpathsource, ref rsyncpathdest}
log arraylist
set currentTask to NSTask's alloc's init()
set outputpipe to NSPipe's pipe()
currentTask's setStandardOutput_(outputpipe)
currentTask's setStandardError_(outputpipe)
currentTask's setLaunchPath_("/usr/bin/rsync")
currentTask's setArguments_(arraylist)
NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter()'s addObserver_selector_name_object_(me, "readPipe:", "NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification", currentTask's standardOutput()'s fileHandleForReading())
NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter()'s addObserver_selector_name_object_(me, "endPipe:", "NSTaskDidTerminateNotification", currentTask)
currentTask's standardOutput()'s fileHandleForReading()'s readInBackgroundAndNotify()
currentTask's |launch|()
StatusBarText's setStringValue_("Working..." as text)
end onsync_
---- End sync SUBroutine('s)
---- End Actions received from xib ----
on SaR(sourceText, findText, replaceText)
set {atid, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, findText}
set tempText to text items of sourceText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceText
set sourceText to tempText as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to atid
on error error_string number error_number
debugmode_({error_string} & {error_number})
return sourceText
return sourceText as text
end SaR
on Loadsheet_()
debugmode_("preparing sheet")
debugmode_("Opening sheet")
current application's NSApp's beginSheet_modalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_(syncPanel, openWindow, me, syncPanel, missing value)
ProgressBar's stopAnimation_(me)
debugmode_("Opened and prepared sheet, returning to subroutine startsync.")
end Loadsheet_
---- Begin settings routine ----
on setSettings_(sender)
debugmode_("Checking settings")
set rssettingstemp to ""
set ArchiveState to sArchive's state() as text
if ArchiveState is "1" then
set A to "1"
debugmode_("Checked; A")
debugmode_("Unchecked; A")
set A to "0"
set HLState to sHL's state() as text
if HLState is "1" then
set HL to "1"
debugmode_("Checked; HL")
debugmode_("Unchecked; HL")
set HL to "0"
set GroupState to sGroup's state() as text
if GroupState is "1" then
set G to "1"
debugmode_("Checked; G")
debugmode_("Unchecked; G")
set G to "0"
set PermissionsState to sPermissions's state() as text
if PermissionsState is "1" then
set P to "1"
debugmode_("Checked; P")
debugmode_("Unchecked; P")
set P to "0"
set TimesState to sTimes's state() as text
if TimesState is "1" then
set T to "1"
debugmode_("Checked; T")
debugmode_("Unchecked; T")
set T to "0"
set UpdateState to sUpdate's state() as text
if UpdateState is "1" then
set U to "1"
debugmode_("Checked; U")
debugmode_("Unchecked; U")
set U to "0"
if A ="1" then
set rssettingstemp to rssettingstemp & "a"
if HL ="1" then
set rssettingstemp to rssettingstemp & "H"
if G ="1" then
set rssettingstemp to rssettingstemp & "g"
if P ="1" then
set rssettingstemp to rssettingstemp & "p"
if T ="1" then
set rssettingstemp to rssettingstemp & "t"
if U ="1" then
set rssettingstemp to rssettingstemp & "u"
end setSettings_
on checkSettings_()
end checkSettings_
---- End settings routines ----
---- Begin Sheet prep routine ----
on PrepSettingsSheet_()
if rssettings contains "A" then
sArchive's setState_(1)
if rssettings contains "H" then
sHL's setState_(1)
if rssettings contains "G" then
sGroup's setState_(1)
if rssettings contains "P" then
sPermissions's setState_(1)
if rssettings contains "t" then
sTimes's setState_(1)
if rssettings contains "U" then
sUpdate's setState_(1)
end PrepSettingsSheet_
---- Begin debug routines (for developer only) ----
on debugmode_(inputdata)
set data2log to (inputdata as text)
if rundebugmode = "1" then
log (data2log)
end if
end debugmode_
on errorx_(x)
end error_
---- End debug routines ----
---- Begin Notifitacion routines ----
on readPipe_(aNotification)
debugmode_("Reading pipe notification")
set dataString to aNotification's userInfo's objectForKey_("NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem")
set newstring to ((NSString's alloc()'s initWithData_encoding_(dataString, current application's NSUTF8StringEncoding)))
debugmode_(newstring as text)
set newstring to newstring as text
if newstring contains "building file list" then
set ProgressMessage to "Scanning files..."
else if newstring contains "files..." then
set applescript's text item delimiters to " "
set ProgressMessage to text item 1 of newstring
else if newstring contains "to-check=" then
ProgressBar's setIndeterminate_(0)
set olddelim to applescript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "to-check="
set delimited to text item 2 of newstring
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
set current to text item 1 of delimited
set total to text item 2 of delimited
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ")"
set total to text item 1 of total
set percentage to current / total as text
set percentageBy100 to percentage * 100 as text
set relativePercentage to character 1 of (percentageBy100 as text)
set relativePercentage to relativePercentage & character 2 of (percentageBy100 as text)
log "Relative percentage: " & 100 - relativePercentage
set CorrectPercentage to 100 -relativePercentage
ProgressBar's setIndeterminate_(0)
ProgressBar's setDoubleValue_(CorrectPercentage as text)
Set ProgressMessage to "Copying files..."
debugmode_("Checking ProgressMessage")
if ProgressMessage is "" then
set ProgressMessage to "Working..."
debugmode_("Setting Message")
StatusBarText's setStringValue_(ProgressMessage as text)
--currentTask's resume(yes)
aNotification's object()'s readInBackgroundAndNotify()
end readPipe_
on endPipe_(aNotification)
debugmode_("Ending pipe")
NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter()'s removeObserver_(me)
--delay 1
syncPanel's orderOut_(me)
current application's NSApp's endSheet_(syncPanel)
end endPipe_
---- End notification routines ----
on EnableSettings_(sender)
debugmode_("Setting box's should be enabled")
set enabledradioboxstate to EnableSettings's state() as text
if enabledradioboxstate is "1" then
--if Mode = "1" then
set rssettingsenabledtemp to "1"
debugmode_("Enabled state is: 1")
sArchive's setEnabled_(true)
sGroup's setEnabled_(true)
sHL's setEnabled_(true)
sPermissions's setEnabled_(true)
sTimes's setEnabled_(true)
sUpdate's setEnabled_(true)
sArchive's setEnabled_(true)
debugmode_("Setting box's should be enabled")
set rssettingsenabledtemp to "0"
debugmode_("Enabled state is: 0")
sArchive's setEnabled_(false)
sGroup's setEnabled_(false)
sHL's setEnabled_(false)
sPermissions's setEnabled_(false)
sTimes's setEnabled_(false)
sUpdate's setEnabled_(false)
sArchive's setEnabled_(false)
debugmode_("Settings box's should be disabled")
--if Mode ="0" then
--CustomModeField's setEnabled_(false)
sGroup's setState_(0)
sHL's setState_(0)
sPermissions's setState_(0)
sTimes's setState_(0)
sUpdate's setState_(0)
sArchive's setState_(1)
End EnableSettings_
On SpaceInName_()
Display dialog "SynC2USB currently doesn't support folders with a space in its name" buttons {"Ok"}
End SpaceInName_
end script