I have been trying to work out how to apply one of the many patterns available in Excel to selected cells. The following script works, I do not really need the last lines as by default when I color a cell it is solid. Hoping that “pattern solid” had one of the excel alternatives like dot line checkerboard etc.
tell application "applications:Microsoft office 2011:Microsoft Excel.app"
set column width of column ("A:A,L:L,Q:Q,T:T,W:W") to 4
tell range ("T1:V1,L1:P1,Q1:S1,W1:Y1") to set horizontal alignment to horizontal align center across selection
set color of interior object of range ("T1:V1,L1:P1,Q1:S1,W1:Y1") to {175, 238, 238}
set pattern of interior object of range ("T1:V1,L1:P1,Q1:S1,W1:Y1") to pattern solid
end tell
Thanks Peter