Hi, i want a your opinion about embedding color profiles with applescript, and to be precise, with an applescipt addition called ‘colorsyncscripting’.
i wrote (below) this script to identify dpi standarts and to add, if needed, a color profile. But i’ve trouble using this script in conjunction with the ˜Show profile info’ droplet (shipped by apple), because using this droplet my image becomes devalued, from a initial value of 12 Mb to 4 Kb; first using my script, and then the ˜Show profile info’ droplet.
I would know if the colorsyncscripting add-on is recommendable or not, or my script needs some tweaks.
--get dpi
--image events
global this_file
tell application "Finder" to set this_file to (the selection as alias)
set get_res to {}
set get_prof to {}
tell application "Image Events"
set this_image to open this_file
copy resolution of this_image to get_res
copy profile of this_image to get_prof
end try
save this_image with icon
close this_image
end tell
set my_dpi to (item 1 of get_res)
--if get_prof is {} then
if my_dpi ≥ 300 then
display dialog (my_dpi as text) & " dpi's are best for prints"
--ausgeschlossen aus Sicherheit, die Datei zu schädigen (Zerfall der Datei von 12Mb auf 4 Kb nach dem kontrollieren mit 'Show profile info' )
--& return & "Image '" & name of (info for this_file) & "' doesn't appear to have a color profile!" & return & "embed a profile?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 1
set my_ch to the button returned of the result
if my_ch is "Yes" then
set the_pt to ((path to pictures folder) & "Farb-Profile:" as text)
set inhalt to list folder the_pt without invisibles
--set sourceProf to choose file with prompt "Choose a profile for the source"
set my_ls to choose from list inhalt
set nw_pt to (the_pt & my_ls & ":" as text)
if nw_pt does not end with false then
set the_prof to list folder nw_pt without invisibles
set pp to choose from list the_prof with prompt "Choose a icc profile"
if pp does not end with false then
set the_pt to (nw_pt & pp as text) --POSIX path of
--display dialog the_pt
end if
end if
set the_nm to name of (get info for alias the_pt)
set t_prof to (characters 1 thru -5 of the_nm as text)
--set nw_nm to my correct_chars(the_nm)
--display dialog nw_nm
set the_pt to the_pt as alias
tell application "ColorSyncScripting"
match this_file to destination the_pt
set currImage to open this_file
set theProfile to (profile 1 of currImage)
--set rendering intent of theProfile to relative colorimetric intent
close this_file
--delay 2
end tell
tell application "Image Events"
set this_image to open this_file
save this_image with icon
close this_image
end tell
end if
display dialog (my_dpi as text) & " dpi aren't recommendable for prints" buttons "End"
end if
display dialog (my_dpi as text) & " dpi's are best for prints" buttons "End"
end if