Setting vertical alignment in MS PowerPoint 2008 using AppleScript

I am trying to set the vertical alignment (aka “baseline alignment” in
AS terms I believe) of the text in the footer of the Notes Master in a
presentation. (I’ve been working on this too long, the description
sounds like AS… )

The following runs, setting everything fine, except for the vertical
alignment. When I review the Result, the baseline alignment is indeed set, but the actual vertical
alignment of the text in the footer is not changed.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Jack

set allPlaceHolders to place holders of notes master of active

    if (count of place holders of notes master of active presentation) > 0 then
            -- Can't say "get every place holder" here, must use "item"
            repeat with thePH in (get every item in allPlaceHolders)

                    if placeholder type of thePH is placeholder type header placeholder then
                            set visible of thePH to false

                    else if placeholder type of thePH is placeholder type date placeholder then
                            set visible of thePH to false

                            -- The "title" place holder contains the slide image
                    else if placeholder type of thePH is placeholder type title placeholder then
                            -- set titlePHProps to properties of thePH
                            set visible of thePH to true
                            set width of thePH to 450
                            set height of thePH to 350
                            set top of thePH to 32
                            set left position of thePH to 45

                            -- The "body" place holder contains the text of the notes
                    else if placeholder type of thePH is placeholder type body placeholder then
                            set visible of thePH to false

                    else if placeholder type of thePH is placeholder type footer placeholder then
                            set footerPHProps to properties of thePH
                            set visible of thePH to true
                            set width of thePH to 360
                            set height of thePH to 36
                            set top of thePH to 684
                            set left position of thePH to 0
                            set text alignment of word art format of thePH to left text effect alignment
                            set baseline alignment of paragraph format of paragraph 1 of paragraphs of ¬
                                    text range of text frame of thePH to baseline align center
                            --tell paragraph format of paragraph 1 of paragraphs of text range of text frame of thePH
                            --set baseline alignment to baseline align center
                            --end tell
                            -- set font placement to middle
                            set font name of font of text range of text frame of thePH to "Bookman Old Style"
                            set font size of font of text range of text frame of thePH to 9

                    else if placeholder type of thePH is placeholder type slide number placeholder then
                            set width of thePH to 120
                            set height of thePH to 36
                            set top of thePH to 684
                            set left position of thePH to 420
                            set text alignment of word art format of thePH to right text effect alignment
                            set baseline alignment of paragraph format of paragraph 1 of text range of text frame of ¬
                                    thePH to baseline align center
                            -- set font placement to middle
                            set font name of font of text range of text frame of thePH to "Bookman Old Style"
                            set font size of font of text range of text frame of thePH to 9
                            set content of text range of text frame of thePH to "Page <#>"
                    end if

            end repeat

    end if

You may want to consider doing some GUI scripting for this. Don’t know if this action is in the PPT library.