Shell Script using command > >(command)

Does anyone have an idea why this works

tell application "Terminal"
	do script " ls  > >(ls)"
end tell

and This fails

	do shell script " ls  > >(ls)"


I’m not entirely sure what result you are trying to get, but you might find this page useful.

Best wishes

John M

i’m trying to play with CocoaDialog, i’ve posted this useless command because the other command is so complex. this command is just a simplified concept of the problem i’m having.

Thanks for that link i found out that i’ve got to give it to bash as a string

This was the best i could come up with

do shell script " source ~/.profile
bash -c ' ~/.BackupHomeFolder > >(CocoaDialog progressbar --indeterminate  --title \"Rsync Backup\")

I’m glad the link helped.

John M