How can i edit this part of my script so that only show the file-name from the dropped file in the table-view. Not the complete path!
Many thanks for your help!
on parse_items(dropped_items, file_types, file_extensions, with_subfolders)
set valid_items to {}
repeat with This_Item in dropped_items
set This_Item to (contents of This_Item as string)
set This_Item to (((This_Item as POSIX file) as alias) as string)
set the_info to info for (This_Item as alias)
set is_folder to folder of the_info
tell application "Finder" to set this_item_type to file type of the_info
set this_item_extension to name extension of the_info
if file_types contains this_item_type or file_extensions contains this_item_extension then set end of valid_items to This_Item
if is_folder then
if with_subfolders then set valid_items to valid_items & (my parse_items((my list_folder(This_Item)), file_types, file_extensions, with_subfolders))
end if
on error the_error
my update_status(the_error)
end try
end repeat
return valid_items
end parse_items