simple, but so am I

why wont this set the name of a folder to the date?

tell application “Finder”
select startup disk
open selection
select folder “Catalog Pages” of startup disk
open selection
close container window of startup disk
select folder “2003” of folder “Catalog Pages” of startup disk
open selection
close container window of folder “Catalog Pages” of startup disk
make new folder at folder “2003” of folder “Catalog Pages” of startup disk
select folder “untitled folder” of folder “2003” of folder “Catalog Pages” of startup disk
set targetFile to file (date string for (current date) as string)

end tell

Thanks, you are the bom-b

I don’t see where the script is told to name any folder. It says:

set targetFile to file (date string for (current date) as string)

But I don’t see where targetFile is given a value. Does this do what you want? It should make a new folder at the desired location and name it using the date string.

set startupdisk to path to startup disk as text
set date_ to date string of (current date)
tell application "Finder"
	make new folder at folder (startupdisk & "Catalog Pages:2003:") with properties {name:date_}
end tell

Wow, you are the bestest. And it is so much shorter a script than what I did. It works very well, thanks!