I would like your valuable advice for a very simple task.
So, I want to create a script that gets the contents of the clipboard as paragraphs, gets rids of the empty lines, then it pastes only the first paragraph and saves the rest of the paragraphs (without the first line) in the clipboard.
So far I developed the following, but cannot be applied the second time. Any help please?
set myText to paragraphs of (the clipboard)
set filteredText to {}
repeat with thisGraph in myText
if thisGraph is not in {"", " ", tab} then set the end of filteredText to thisGraph as item
end repeat
set textToPaste to item 1 of filteredText as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return}
set the clipboard to the rest of filteredText as text
----paste textToPaste here---
set myText to paragraphs of (the clipboard)
set filteredText to {}
repeat with thisGraph in myText
if thisGraph is not in {"", " ", tab} then set the end of filteredText to thisGraph as item
end repeat
if filteredText = {} or length of filteredText < 1 then
display dialog "The clipboard is empty." buttons {"OK"}
set textToPaste to item 1 of filteredText as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return}
set the clipboard to the rest of filteredText as text
tell application "System Events" to keystroke (textToPaste as text)
end if