Simple Desktops Desktop Downloader

I like having a steady stream of desktop wallpapers. I dislike the time and attention it takes to download new desktops. I wrote up this script to help me download the bulk of wallpapers. It is set up so you can download batches by setting the curr to the last downloaded image # + 1 and adjusting the repeat.

property curr : 1 -- where to start
set turl to ""
global turl

repeat 500 times -- Download how many in this batch
	set searchurl to turl & curr
	set testsystem to do shell script "curl -s " & searchurl & " | awk '/simply not/'"
	--display dialog testsystem
	set curr to curr + 1
	if testsystem does not contain "<h2>It's simply not here.</h2>" then -- Does the URL exist?
	end if
end repeat

on downloadimg(searchurl)
	tell application "Safari"
		set URL of document 1 to searchurl
		delay 2
		set theURL to URL of document 1
	end tell
	tell application "URL Access Scripting"
		download theURL to "HD:Users:aaon:Desktop:Simple:" & curr & ".jpg" -- you will need to adjust this line accordingly
	end tell
end downloadimg

I’m sure there could be a better way but I had issues with simpledesktops and their redirection so I just used Safari in the background to process the redirect and then I have applescript grab the new URL and download the file. I just have Safari minimized and it runs without issue while I continue on with my work.


solution without Safari

property curr : 1 -- where to start
set turl to ""
set destinationFolder to ((path to desktop as text) & "Simple:")

repeat 500 times -- Download how many in this batch
	set searchurl to turl & curr
	set testsystem to do shell script "curl -s " & searchurl & " | awk '/simply not/'"
	--display dialog testsystem
	set curr to curr + 1
	if testsystem does not contain "<h2>It's simply not here.</h2>" then -- Does the URL exist?
		do shell script "curl -L " & space & quoted form of searchurl & " -o " & quoted form of (POSIX path of destinationFolder & curr & ".jpg")
	end if
end repeat