Below are some scripts I have mocked togheter for rudimentary screen handling. I assume that your monitors are set up to the same resolution, and that you haven’t skewed them (no overlap).
I can’t make them work as applets, so you better have some spare shortcuts in Fastscripts or whatever you use for running scripts from hotkeys.
Teleport, moves the front window to the other screen.
tell application id "MACS" to set {x1, tmpvar, x2, tmpvar} to bounds of window of desktop
tell application id "sevs"
tell first window of (first application process whose frontmost is true and visible is true)
set {oldx, oldy} to its position
if oldx > ((x1 + x2) / 2) then
if x1 < 0 then
set newx to oldx + x1
set newx to oldx - x1
end if
if x1 < 0 then
set newx to oldx - x1
set newx to oldx + x1
end if
end if
set its position to {newx, oldy}
end tell
end tell
Right moves the frontmost window to the right edge of the current screen.
tell application id "MACS" to set {x1, tmpVar, x2, tmpVar} to bounds of window of desktop
tell application id "sevs"
tell first window of (first application process whose frontmost is true and visible is true)
set {{oldx, oldy}, {wwidth, tmpVar}, startRDsp} to {its position, its size, ((x1 + x2) / 2)}
-- Is it on the right screen?
if oldx ≥ startRDsp then
set newx to x2 - wwidth
-- or on the left screen?
set newx to startRDsp - wwidth
end if
set its position to {newx, oldy}
end tell
end tell
Left moves the frontmost window to the left edge of the screen.
tell application id "MACS" to set {x1, tmpVar, x2, tmpVar} to bounds of window of desktop
tell application id "sevs"
tell first window of (first application process whose frontmost is true and visible is true)
set {{oldx, oldy}, {wwidth, tmpVar}, startRDsp} to {its position, its size, ((x1 + x2) / 2)}
-- Is it on the right screen?
if oldx ≥ startRDsp then
set newx to startRDsp
-- or on the left screen?
set newx to x1
end if
set its position to {newx, oldy}
end tell
end tell
Up moves the frontmost window to the top of the screen.
tell application id "sevs"
tell first window of (first application process whose frontmost is true and visible is true)
set {oldx, tmpVar} to its position
set newY to 22
set its position to {oldx, newY}
end tell
end tell
Down moves the frontmost window to the bottom edge of the screen.
tell application id "MACS" to set {tmpVar, tmpVar, tmpVar, y2} to bounds of window of desktop
tell application id "sevs"
tell first window of (first application process whose frontmost is true and visible is true)
set {{oldx, tmpVar}, {tmpVar, wheight}} to {its position, its size}
set newY to y2 - wheight
set its position to {oldx, newY}
end tell
end tell