I use an “unscriptable” app (VMware Horizon Client) wherein I want to keep a remote desktop connect “alive.”
This requires clicking or keystroking in its window every 5 minutes or so.
The window has no UI elements; I just want to click at some coordinate in the window, without bringing it to the front.
Is this possible?
I’ve tried stuff like:
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "vmware-view"
activate --tried with and without
keystroke "1"
click at {100, 100}
delay 1
tell window 1
keystroke "2"
click at {100, 100}
end tell
end tell
end tell
With or without activate, and whether I tell the app or the window, it’s not working.
(I can grab the props of the window, e.g., size, position)
While this application is not scriptable, you should use GUI scripting. And GUI scripting works only with frontmost window. So, the answer is: it is not possible without bringing window to the front.
When the window has not UI Elements, you should use some mousetool to click, or some AsObjectiveC code like this:
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "ApplicationServices"
use framework "Quartz"
use framework "AppKit"
property updateMouseCursorPosition : true
property buttonCount : 1 -- left mouse button number
property mouseButtonDown : true -- mouse button pressed?
set aPoint to current application's CGPointZero
on setPoint(xPos, yPos)
set pt to current application's CGPointMake(0, 0)
set pt to {xPos, yPos}
return pt
end setPoint
on mouseLeftClick at aPoint
current application's CGPostMouseEvent(aPoint, updateMouseCursorPosition, buttonCount, mouseButtonDown)
current application's CGPostMouseEvent(aPoint, updateMouseCursorPosition, buttonCount, not mouseButtonDown)
end mouseLeftClick
tell application "VMware Horizon Client"
repeat until window 1 exists
delay 0.02
end repeat
end tell
set aPoint to {100, 100}
mouseLeftClick at aPoint -- perform left click and move the cursor to new position
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "1"
set aPoint to {100, 100}
mouseLeftClick at aPoint -- perform left click and move the cursor to new position
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "2"